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The Commercial Doritos Doesn’t Want You To See

The Commercial Doritos Doesn’t Want You To See

Would you love it the same if you knew where it came from? This is the idea behind the latest Greenpeace ad that challenges viewers to question where their food comes from and whether or not it is having a hidden environmental impact that we are directly supporting. Some Doritos flavours contain palm oil. Doritos is owned by PepsiCo who buys 427,500 tonnes of palm oil every year. Palm oil production has been at the forefront of environmental awareness lately as it destroys rainforest and threatens species to the point of extinction in a huge way. PepsiCo has the power to help put a stop to the deforestation but instead the company is leading the charge and is showing no signs of stopping.

The Deforestation issue in Southeast Asia has made Indonesia the third largest carbon emitter on Earth. It’s also affecting the orangutan, the Sumatran tiger and countless other endangered species as they are being pushed to the brink of extinction. This is why SumOfUs, Greenpeace, RAN, UCS, ILRF are all leading the way and asking people to voice their opinions about this matter.

They are looking for 275,000 signatures and currently have just over 273,000. You can add your signature here. It’s also important to note that Doritos also contain GMOs. This is the ad that Doritos doesn’t want you to see in ‘Doritos Crash The Superbowl 2015.’ #CrashTheSuperBowl With The Superbowl almost upon us, the sale of Doritos typically goes up, triggering these organizations to raise awareness now so consumers can make different choices before not only this Superbowl but any other purchase in the future. It’s really based upon the whole idea that we, as consumers, can vote with our dollars. If we knew where many of our products came from, how they actually affect our health and what we were supporting, maybe we would make different choices. Now that you know more about what the purchase of Doritos is causing, does it make you think differently about buying it? You have the power to make an impact. Vote with your dollar! Subscribe to support SumOfUs: Sum of Us is a worldwide movement focused on creating a better global economy. We want governments to answer to people, not corporations. Our focus is on ethical consumerism, from the sourcing of products to the rights of workers to fair treatment. We’re building a world that puts the needs of people and the environment above short-sighted greed for the good of all of us and our world. “We’re using people power, people like you, to expose the one weakness of the corporations ruining our planet: they need us to buy their products. We’ve got the advantage. We are and we’re not going to take this anymore.” .

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