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The Deep Truth Behind Why Trump Is President

Since Trump's presidency, we have seen many of humanities shadows thrust into conversation.Not just shadows of Trump, but each and every one of us..

The Deep Truth Behind Why Trump Is President

The media has been aggressively opposing Trump almost all the way through. What is Trump's presidency showing us about ourselves? Why are we seeing a full out media attack on Trump? Is the cabal losing power? Are we beginning to see the first stages of big shifts away from oppressive regimes? A little backstory before we get into the video below. Back in 2016, following the election, we had stated that there seemed to be a pretty large shift in power given that Trump made his way into office. How did this happen? Here is a brief outline.

There is a divide taking place within the Cabal/Deep State. This divide is causing power struggles as some facets work to move away from the entirely destructive means of the previous many decades, and instead work towards a different path. Is this an entirely ‘good’ path? No, but we’re going to see this as a HUGE welcome improvement as we continue to shift our consciousness. This divide works its way through intelligence agencies whereby ‘white hats,’ as you can call them, begin to bring forth leaks, information and dealings that help break apart the extremely oppressive end of the cabal. White hats are essentially everyday individuals, like Snowden was, who work inside intelligence agencies and who are also having a shift in consciousness within themselves. No longer do they wish to support the ways of the old, the ways it would have been if Hillary made it into office. So we begin to see a power struggle, one that is obviously coming as a result of having an ‘outsider’ in office that is shaking things up QUICKLY. First off, what I mentioned above is a big part of it. On top of that, was the flip in electoral college manipulation that usually takes place when a president is chosen. Was Hillary Clinton furiously angry after the election because she didn’t get enough support from the general populace? No, she was furiously angry because her side of the Cabal/Deep State, who promised her a win and bought the entire media to help make it happen, flipped in part, causing enough of a change to have Trump get in. Now typically people tend to think that when you talk about things in this manner it means you are in favor of Republicans and Trump. But this is primitive thinking in that it only looks at one tiny layer of what’s happening to apply an explanation we can then be comfortable with. When in reality, all that is happening here is we are looking at what is ACTUALLY happening, not what we are being told what is happening. You do not have to be pro Trump, pro Republican, or even in support of politics at all, for that matter, to see what’s truly taking place here. Regardless, questions have been coming in for months and months to CE, asking what we think about Trump, whether we are in support of him and what all of this ‘chaos’ means. Of course, some, because we speak about things honestly and from a neutral perspective, tend to think we side with Trump because SOME of the actions of his administration and who’s behind him are actually in favor of humanity, and we report on them. But regardless of the amount of explanation we have tried to bring to this somewhat complicated situation, I felt we needed something VERY clear. So I created a video expressing what Trump’s presidency truly means for our collective consciousness and 3 very big factors that are being brought forth through his time in office. This video will answer the topic this article is titled as. Please take the time to watch and digest this, as it will answer so many questions regarding Trump and what is taking place. .

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