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The Giant Turtle Rock Of South Korea—The Ultimate Source Of Qi Energy

Resting on the slopes of Wangsan in South Korea is a massive rock.Given its curious design, its referred to by many as the Turtle rock.

The Giant Turtle Rock Of South Korea—The Ultimate Source Of Qi Energy

. Originally called Gwigamseok – the Stone Engraved with Virtuous Letters, this massive megalith is believed to be a power spot of pure energy. It weighs a staggering 127 tons, and its ‘shell’ was intricately carved with curious symbols and ornate designs. While the rock itself is beautiful and interesting, it is also believed to be one of the most potent sources of Qi energy on the surface of the planet. It is said that he who rests his hand on the surface of the turtle rock for a few minutes will greatly benefit from its energy. Gwigamseok or the turtle rock is one of three rocks found at Sancheong. In addition to the turtle rock, we find the Seokgyeong, a 60-ton mirror rock facing east. This stone is believed to breathe in energy from the sunrise and transmit it to those who touch its surface with their forehead.

The third rock is Bokseokjeong, a large boulder positioned on its side. It is said that those who place a coin on the rock will receive good luck. The Turtle Rock and Qi Energy—A cosmic energy station (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ''; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Æ – Turtle Rock, Ki Center of Korea▪ Turtle Rock, Wangsan Mountain, Sancheong, Jirisan Region, South Korea. This site,... Posted by Ancient Enthusiast-Æ on Thursday, June 30, 2016 Qi or Ch’i energy is believed to be a vital force forming part of all things. It translates as “air” and figuratively as “material energy,” “life force,” or “energy flow.” While the term of Qi energy is native to China, it is also extended in other countries of the Far East like Korea, Japan, and others, being frequent its transcription like chi or ch’i.

The Chinese concept of Qi or chi similar to western concepts such as magnetism, vital energy (vitalism), but it is also very similar to the Hindu concept of prāṇa although the prāṇa is considered primarily an energy that from the breathable air it is acquired in the breath.

The Chinese concept of Qi is also understood as the energy of the macrocosm (the whole universe), in the microcosm (the human body and its psyche). According to traditional Chinese medicine, Qi is an energy that flows continuously through Nature, and the interruption of its free flow in the body is the basis of physical and psychological disorders. But despite the fact that many people around the globe have felt the Qi energy, and believe it is real like any other form of measurable energy. However, science has issues with Qi energy. Science does not admit the concept of Qi as a real phenomenon as it is not scientifically measurable.

The controversy surrounding Qi is related to the explanation of its operation as a result of the intervention of Qi as an immaterial fluid (energy). Some Qigōng masters proclaim that they can detect and directly manipulate the qì and even operate with it remotely. Traditional Qigōng masters consider that qì can be seen as a biological process and its effectiveness can be explained in terms familiar to Western medicine.

The Turtle rock of South Kre is considered a ‘power spot’ where this type of energy recharges. Those who come into contact with the stone say to feel in balance with the world, filled with energy and a peaceful mind. Reference: Visit Korea London Korean Li.

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