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The GIC Spiritual Activist Conference Video Now Available Free

The First Annual GIC Spiritual Activist Conference and Fundraiser was held on October 13, 2012 and was offered live online FREE of charge on GICTV.

The GIC Spiritual Activist Conference Video Now Available Free

I had the privilege of being asked to speak at the conference and I was more than happy to get a chance to speak and help support The GIC who is doing great work.

The conference was an awesome experience both as a participant and viewer. It featured several popular and respected personalities in the “movement”: [one_third last=”no”] [/one_third] [one_third last=”no”] [/one_third] Everyone who watched the LIVE event was able to chat with and direct questions to the speakers.

The full 3 1/2 hour Video archive is available for FREE, yet a suggested $9.99 Love Donation is suggested to help support the broadcasting of the event. You can support GIC using the link below the video. .

Read the full article at the original website


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