The Great Meatless Diet Con (Part 3)

Even if all “plant-based” foods were, in fact, natural, made from clean vegetables, fruit, and seeds, a purely vegan diet would be insufficient to keep most people healthy.
Nutrients that are only found in animal foods include preformed vitamins A, B12, D3 and K2 (MK4 subtype), haem iron, taurine, carnosine, creatine, CLA, EPA, and DHA.
Nutrients low in plants include zinc, iodine, methionine, leucine, choline, and glycine. Furthermore, plants often have different forms of the same nutrient that are less bioavailable and are metabolised differently
Jan Wellmann has written an essay considering six arguments from those who push the anti-meat agenda. These are reasons which are commonly used to justify their narrative and demonise meat forming part of the human diet. He debunks them all. The reasons he tackles are:
- Ethical: The modern meat industry is evil – Part 2
- Efficiency: Meat production is inefficient and can’t nourish the global population – Part 2
- Health: Meat is bad for you and correlates with cancer, coronary disease, etc. – Part 3
- CO2: Meat production drives climate change – Part 4
- Better Alternatives: The new synthetic meat alternatives are healthier, more cost-effective, and more eco-friendly – Part 5
- Spiritual / Religious: Why should humans have the right to kill and eat other life forms? – Part 5
We have broken his essay into five parts as indicated above and will publish the parts, one a day, over the coming days. On Sunday, we published Part 1 – the introduction of his essay, setting the scene so to speak, and the last time the powers that be took us for a ride with the forerunner to the anti-meat movement – The Grand Cholesterol Con.
The following is Part 3. You can read Wellmann’s full essay HERE.
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The Vegan Backfire: The Truth Behind the Antimeat Agenda
By Jan Wellmann
Our dinner table will be void of high-density, natural, animal-sourced foods within a decade or two. A deeper look behind the agenda explains why it’s necessary to start planning for self-sustenance.
“Meat Is Bad for Humans”
Even if all “plant-based” foods were, in fact, natural, made from clean vegetables, fruit, and seeds, a purely vegan diet would be insufficient to keep most people healthy.
“I’m writing this book as a cautionary tale. A vegetarian diet – especially a low-fat version, and most especially a vegan one – is not sufficient nutrition for long-term maintenance and repair of the human body. To put it bluntly, it will damage you. I know. Two years into my veganhood, my health failed, and it failed catastrophically. I developed a degenerative joint disease that I will have for the rest of my life. It started that spring as a strange, dull ache deep in a place I didn’t know could have sensation. By the end of the summer, it felt like shrapnel in my spine,” writes Lierre Keith in her book ‘The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability’. Lierre is a former vegan who devoted her life to understanding the science of nutrition (full quote25).
At first, the awakened vegans – often young girls – who give up meat for ethical reasons feel uplifted, lighter, awakened, and more energetic – self-ascertained. As years pass by, chronic issues accrue slowly. Just like frogs in simmering water fail to notice the temperature increase, vegans fail to notice the gradual energy loss, the fatigue, and the rise of chronic issues. They have to hit a wall, often after the second decade, before they realise something is genuinely wrong.
We often need an ambulance trip to allow for a change in thinking. I did. And even the ICU is usually not enough to restart the brain. We also need exposure to the right, uncorrupted data. These two factors rarely coincide.
I first came across the vegan downside via metabolomic blood studies that examine cellular ATP production, the so-called citric cycle, with molecular blood scans. Although I was already eating meat, my blood values told me to focus on more meat intake to improve my amino acid balance. The metabolomic expert told me that my nutritional profile was that of a caveman. My new meat and fat-rich diet became a game changer for me. After years of fatigue, I thrived. I decided to pass on the favour and introduce more people to metabolomic scans, to help them identify their unique nutritional profile, and get healthier. I learned from a history of over 15,000 metabolomic scans that the chronic issue incidence is significantly higher for women in their late 40s and 50s who had been on a vegan diet for at least 15-20 years.26
Later, I began to work with biophysical scans27 28 that take only 12 minutes to measure the energetic level of the human body and noticed a common theme in over a thousand measurements. Women avoiding meat for over a decade had more chronic issues and exhibited lower energy, higher incidence of depression, gut issues, and a weaker immune system.
Convincing a vegan to change tact is tricky because the arguments – especially the ethical and spiritual – are deeply embedded in the emotional narrative. Out of the handful – dozen or so – individuals whom I had the honour of convincing enough to complement their diet with organic meat – “at least a tiny bit of organic beef or chicken liver a couple of times per week” – 95 per cent changed their tune within a few weeks and stuck with animal products.
“Moderation and balance,” remember?
It’s important to stress that diet is always highly individual. Not everyone needs meat as others. But it is safe to say that almost everyone needs some animal-derived products in their diet. The reason is simple. Meat can deliver certain critical nutrients that no vegan product can with the same metabolic efficiency.
“Although the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) is quoted as having said that ‘all of the major dietetics societies have published papers stating that a vegan diet is nutritionally adequate for all stages of human health,’ accompanying this statement is a list of all the nutrients that need to be obtained via fortification and supplements, an admission that a vegan diet is not, in and of itself, safe or complete,” writes Jayne Buxton in ‘The Great Plant-Based Con’.
“Nutrients that are only found in animal foods include preformed vitamin A, B12, D3 and K2 (MK4 subtype), [haem or] heme iron, taurine, carnosine, creatine, CLA, EPA, and DHA. Nutrients low in plants include zinc, iodine, methionine, leucine, choline, and glycine. Furthermore, plants often have different forms of the same nutrient that are less bioavailable and are metabolised differently.”29
Let’s take a quick look at the Top 5.
Vitamin A is key for protein and calcium assimilation, bone growth, eyesight, immune system function, thyroid function, and the production of stress and sex hormones. Vegetarian and vegan diets suffer from a near-total lack of vitamin A.30
Vitamin D promotes strong bones, a healthy immune system, reduced inflammation, mineral metabolism, calcium absorption, muscle tone, healthy glucose metabolism, cell function, and longevity. The body naturally wants D3, which the body makes when exposed to the sun. Still, the body needs animal foods (including shellfish, fish liver oils, egg yolks, organ meats, butterfat, and the fat of birds and pigs) because D2 from plants is vastly inferior, and the D3 from animal foods is significantly more bioavailable and potent.31
Vitamin B12 plays a role in DNA synthesis, myelin formation, red cell production, and central nervous system maintenance. There are no reliable plant sources of B12, which is why vegetarians and vegans exhibit high levels of B12 deficiency. Symptoms include fatigue, depression, anxiety, poor memory, balance problems, vision deterioration, mental confusion or memory loss, and depression.32 33
Similar data applies to Omega 3 fatty acids, which are crucial for cell membranes. It isn’t easy to get omega-3s from flax or chia seeds. Oily fish or grass-fed meat would be a vastly better alternative for maintaining cellular health.
What about minerals? Getting all the 17 essential minerals from plant-based sources exclusively is extremely difficult. We would need to eat unsustainable amounts of plant equivalents to get to minimum acceptable levels if we had to avoid animal-based foods.34 35
The list goes on.
It’s good to remember the history of indigenous tribes. Before Western colonialism got to them, they were thriving on high-fat, meat-centric diets, sans chronic disease.
Two missionary physicians who arrived in Kenya in the 1920s wrote that “hypertension and diabetes were absent… the native population was as thin as ancient Egyptians.”
It took forty years of British high-carb diets to convert the slim Kenyans into obese Africans with a host of health issues, starting with tooth decay and leading to “gout, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, and eventually encompassing all of them,” the missionaries observed.36
India was similarly transformed into the “Diabetes Capital of The World,” with British-introduced nutrition habits. Western diets literally wiped out the perfectly healthy Inuit, the Native Americans, the Zulus, the Natal Indians, Polynesian cultures, Yanomamo and Xingu Indians of Brazil, and whoever else was either forcibly or willingly acculturated to our lifestyle.
“Red Meat Causes Cancer”
What about all the “endless” studies “proving” that meat eaters are sicker and more prone to chronic disease? What about the correlation between red meat and cancer?
Well, it’s a bit like the “99 per cent of scientists agree…” angle used in so many fairy tales today, from mRNA to climate change. When you lift the curtain, you witness a different reality. Often, the rare scientists who disagree with the “consensus” are independent scientists with integrity, untainted by corporate pay cheques or research grants. Call it the Copernicus Syndrome.
The two studies linking cancer to red meat consumption, for example, compare consumers of processed meats (see Table 1 below for the list of chemicals and carcinogens in modern processed meats) with vegetarian diets and fail to also adjust for lifestyle differences (meat eaters are also more often smokers and drinkers), and other variables. In short, the research is “cooked” to look bad for meat. The faulty studies are then propagated by the World Health Organisation and quoted by corporate media as if they represented axiomatic truths.37
- Bisphenols, such as BPA, can act like the hormone oestrogen, interfere with puberty and fertility, increase body fat, and cause problems with the immune and nervous systems.
- Nitrates/nitrites are used to extend shelf life, preserve foods, and enhance colour in cured meats. When heated or mixed with stomach acid, nitrites can produce nitrosamines, linked to an increased risk of colon and pancreatic cancer.
- Tert-butyl hydroquinone (“TBHQ”), a preservative in many processed foods, may harm the immune system.
- Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) are a group of chemicals that can accumulate in the body and have been linked to health issues such as hormone disruption, immune system problems, and cancer.
- Monosodium Glutamate (“MSG”), which some people may be sensitive or allergic to, causes symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and chest pain.
- Sulphites, which are used as a preservative and can trigger asthma.
- Phosphates are sometimes added to processed meats and, when consumed in excessive amounts, can increase the risk of heart disease.
- Hormones may be used in animal production to promote growth and potentially disrupt hormonal balance in humans.
No doubt, consuming these chemicals, even without red meat, will probably make you sick.
“Epidemiological studies that find inverse associations between eating red meat and health do not distinguish between meat from livestock fed high-grain diets in feedlots and livestock foraging on phytochemically rich mixtures of plants. Nor do they address how herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits eaten in a meal with meat can enhance health,” writes Fred Provenza in Frontiers in Nutrition.38
You are hard-pressed to find a single, uncooked study proving that organic meats negatively affect health.
“The benefits to humans of eating phytochemically/ biochemically rich meat accrue as livestock assimilate some phytochemicals and convert others into metabolites that become muscle and fat, which become the phytochemicals/biochemicals that promote health. That is similar to but distinct from, the benefits realised by eating phytochemically rich herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits. This expanded pool of compounds – phytochemicals and metabolites produced by animals from plants – should be considered in attempts to understand benefits to humans, such as damping oxidative stress and inflammation linked with cancer, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome,” continues Fred Provenza.
The cognitive dissonance ride that comes with digging into the truth of meat is akin to hanging on to a raging bull with your cowboy hat on. It just gets crazier rapidly. But hang on just a little bit longer.
A continuation of Wellmann’s article will be published tomorrow. You can read his full article HERE.
25 (24) Keith, Lierre. The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability (pp. 10-11). PM Press. Kindle Edition.
“I’m writing this book as a cautionary tale. A vegetarian diet–especially a low-fat version, and most especially a vegan one–is not sufficient nutrition for long-term maintenance and repair of the human body. To put it bluntly, it will damage you. I know. Two years into my veganhood, my health failed, and it failed catastrophically. I developed a degenerative joint disease that I will have for the rest of my life. It started that spring as a strange, dull ache deep in a place I didn’t know could have sensation. By the end of the summer, it felt like shrapnel in my spine.
“There followed years of ever-increasing pain and ever more frustrating visits to specialists. It took fifteen years to get a diagnosis instead of a pat on the head. Teenagers’ spines don’t fall apart for no reason, and so, despite my perfect symptom description, none of the doctors considered Degenerative Disc Disease. Now I’ve got pictures, and I get respect. My spine looks like a sky-diving accident. Nutritionally, that’s about what happened. Six weeks into veganism, I had my first experience of hypoglycaemia, though I wouldn’t know that’s what it was called until eighteen years had gone by, and it had become my life. Three months into it, I stopped menstruating, which should have been a clue that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. The exhaustion began around then, too, and it only got worse, along with the ever-present cold. My skin was so dry it flaked, and in the winter, it itched so badly that it kept me up at night. At twenty-four, I developed gastroparesis, which, again, wasn’t diagnosed or treated until I was thirty-eight and found a doctor who worked with recovering vegans. That was fourteen years of constant nausea, and I still can’t eat after 5 PM. Then there was the depression and anxiety. I come from a long and venerable line of depressive alcoholics, so clearly, I didn’t inherit the best mental health genetics. Malnutrition was the last thing I needed. Veganism wasn’t the only cause of my depression, but it was a big contributing factor. Years went by when the world was made of a pointless, grey weight, endlessly the same, punctuated only by occasional panic. I would routinely dissolve into helplessness. If I couldn’t find my house keys, I’d find myself in a heap on the living room floor, immobilized on the edge of The Void. How could I go on? Why would I want to? The keys were lost, and so was I, the world, the cosmos. Everything collapsed, empty, meaningless, almost repulsive. I knew it wasn’t rational, but I couldn’t stop until it had run its course. And now I know why. Serotonin is made from the amino acid tryptophan. And there are no good plant sources of tryptophan. On top of that, all the tryptophan in the world won’t do you any good without saturated fat, which is necessary to make your neurotransmitters actually transmit. All those years of emotional collapse weren’t a personal failing; they were bio-chemical, if self-inflicted.”
26 Metabolomic Medicine: How To End Chronic Disease, Jan Wellmann
27 From Aura To Algorithm: The Search For A Universal Healing Principle, Jan Wellmann
29 Leroy, Frédéric and Cofnas, Nathan. ‘Should dietary guidelines recommend low red meat intake?‘, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol 60, 2020, Issue 16.
30 Why you should think twice about removing animal products from your diet.
31 Office of Dietary Supplements – Vitamin D, 6 August 2021.
32 What Everyone Should Know About B12 Deficiency
33 Kapoor, Aneel, Mukhtiar Baig, Saeed A. Tunio, Abdul S. Memon, and Hotchand Karmani. ‘Neuropsychiatric and Neurological Problems among Vitamin B12 Deficient Young Vegetarians‘. Neurosciences (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) 22, no. 3 (July 2017).
35 73 Tong, Tammy, et al. Vegetarian and vegan diets
36 “Western Diseases: Their Emergence and Prevention in 1981”
37 ‘WHO Says Meat Causes Cancer? – Diagnosis Diet’. Accessed 5 February 2021.
38 Provenza, FD, Kronberg, SL, Gregorini, P. ‘Is Grassfed Meat and Dairy Better for Human and Environmental Health?‘ Frontiers in Nutrition, 6:26.
About the Author
Jan Wellmann’s mission is to help people transform their health and energy with safe, natural and non-invasive methods. In the past, he’s built ventures in advertising, film production, hi-tech and health. As a producer, he has written-directed-produced films for both mainstream and indie channels. As a startup consultant, he packaged venture rounds and facilitated financing for high-tech, entertainment and health-related startups in the US and EU. You can follow Wellmann on Substack HERE or Twitter HERE
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