The Greenhouse Of The Future: A Step-By-Step Builder’s Guide
Earthships are a recurring theme here at Collective Evolution and for good reason. They are an exciting alternative definitely worth exploring.
. It is because of this that we at CE are very excited to share with you a documentary and supplementary package that gives you a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to build your own sustainable greenhouse. Thanks to the incredible work of Curt Close, Anaconda Productions and SolutionEra – in collaboration with the Valhalla Movement -we are happy to announce The Greenhouse Of The Future: Abundance And Energy Autonomy.
The DVD, EBook and Plan Package which are all available for purchase now. SPECIAL SPRING/ SUMMER SALE DISCOUNT: Purchase the Greenhouse of the Future package now to save 10% on the final price. Enter PROMO CODE: spring2015 to activate the discount! Check out the trailer to get a feel for this unique and instructional package: Excerpt from the DVD Box: The DVD and EBOOK “The Greenhouse of the Future” outlines the design and step by step building of a radically sustainable passive solar greenhouse built from up-cycled materials and operating using fully renewable natural energies. By building this greenhouse with your community or your family, you will contribute to a healthier and more sustainable world, reconnect with nature, save money and produce your own local organic food all year-round. We at CE have watched this documentary and feel that it is the most comprehensive guide available to help us all actively be a part of changing the way we grow our food. Click on the image below to get more information and purchase now! .
Read the full article at the original website