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The Healthiest Sleeping Position (And Way To Get Out Of Bed)

We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is pivotal for our physical and mental health, especially since we spend one-third of our lives asleep.

The Healthiest Sleeping Position (And Way To Get Out Of Bed)

However, it turns out that sleep position also plays an important role is the quest for optimum health. Depending on what sleeping position you choose or just happen to land in most, it can cause shoulder pain or back pain, increase wrinkles on the face and breasts, or even increase snoring. On the flip side, other positions can be great for increasing blood flow, minimizing acid reflux and decreasing snoring. In the end, your position can also be the difference between a good sleep and a bad sleep. If your going to experiment with the positions for a little longer than one night. Sometimes we get used to sleeping one way for so long that it takes a bit of adjusting to make a new one work. It is recommended that we get around 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but an alarming estimated 70 million Americans are falling well short of that number and are having a hard time sleeping.

There are many factors that could be affecting your sleep in a negative way; and sleeping positions is one of them. Are you getting enough sleep? here are some symptoms than can help you identify that. You might be experiencing memory loss, depression and anxiety, tiredness in the morning, waking up too early, poor concentration. Getting more sleep will help you boost your health in a number of ways including improving your immune system, boosting mental well-being and good concentration, increasing sex drive and fertility and it creates better moods during the day. In the following video, Dr. Steve Hoffman, founder of Core Wellness Institute, teaches us the sleeping position which causes the least amount of stress on the body and provides insight on the best way to roll out of bed in the morning. Since I’ve adopted this sleeping position, my sleep has never been better. I also feel more refreshed and less achy in the morning If you have posture problems, make sure to scroll down to the end of the article and check out Dr. Hoffman’s amazing holistic approach to restoring a healthy posture and core by treating the root cause of posture misalignments. Dr Hoffman also shares some interesting insight on how to move and create movement routines that are very effective forms of exercise but side step injury in a big way. He has an Organic Posture training course and coaching program that helps promote an active and pain free life for people of all ages. You can check out his website here for more information. You can also find a video here where he explains in more detail. Sometimes poor sleep can come as a result of magnesium efficiency as well. Magnesium is a powerful mineral that helps us relax on many levels. It works at the physical level by relieving sore/stiff/cramping muscles and at the emotional level by soothing emotions of anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that as many as half of the US population is deficient in this mineral. Some symptoms of magnesium deficiency are: – Insomnia – Chronic fatigue – Muscle stiffness – Depression – Muscle cramps – Behavioural disturbances Adding extra magnesium through magnesium-rich foods or supplementing is a great way to help you sleep better at night.

The Best Worst Sleeping Positions Our Ancestors Didn’t Sleep Like Us Real Reason You Can’t Fall Asleep At Night How To Overcome It .

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