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The History, Medicinal Uses & Science Behind The Use Of Essential Oils

“We each have the innate ability to heal ourselves.To empower ourselves with natural solutions, instead of succumbing to life-altering chemicals..

The History, Medicinal Uses & Science Behind The Use Of Essential Oils

There’s a time and place for pharmaceuticals, but it shouldn’t be the first answer, nor the only form treatment.” Dana Arcuri – author, speaker, wellness coach If you like to take care of you and your family’s health safely and naturally, you might want to consider adding some essential oils to your medicine cabinet. Essential oils have been used throughout recorded history for a wide variety of health-related applications.

The very wise Egyptians were some of the first people to use essential oils extensively in their medical practice, beauty treatments, food preparation, and religious ceremonies. Frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, and cinnamon were considered incredibly valuable cargo along the caravan trade routes and were sometimes exchanged in return for gold. The Greeks discovered the Egyptian’s methods and also used essential oils in their practices of therapeutic massage and aromatherapy.

The ancient Romans also used essential oils to promote health and personal hygiene amongst their people. Chinese and Indian Ayurvedics also used aromatic herbs, and the Persians began to improve distillation methods for extracting essential oils from aromatic plants and herbs. When King Tut’s tomb was opened, 350 liters of essential oils were discovered in alabaster jars. Moses used essential oils and this is referenced in the bible. In the book of Exodus, the Lord refers to holy anointing oil that was a specific ‘god formula’ (source plus free ebook here) Essential oil extracts were used throughout the dark ages in Europe for their anti-bacterial and fragrant properties. When the plague broke out, essential oils were used to help treat sick patients. (source) More recently, in 1937, the very powerful healing properties of essential oils were rediscovered by a famous French chemist, Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, who healed a very badly burnt hand with pure lavender oil. Another French contemporary, Dr. Jean Valnet, used therapeutic-grade essential oils to successfully treat injured soldiers during World War II. He then went on to become a world leader in the development of respected aromatherapy practices.

The modern use of essential oils has continued to grow incredibly rapidly as health scientists and medical practitioners continue to research and validate the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oil. Dr Jean Valnet Why are essential oils so effective for beauty and health? It’s because they are composed of very small molecules that can penetrate very deeply and quickly into the cells. This is caused transdermal delivery.

They even can cross the blood-brain barrier. For a long time, lovers of essential oils lacked solid scientific proof of the efficacy of essential oils, and the medical industry labelled their use as a “quack” treatment (some still do!), but there have now been thousands of studies examining exactly what essential oils can do for health and well-being. If you look at pubmed, there are over tens of thousands of studies using essential oils. Searching for “essential oils cancer” brings up 641 results. If you have the time to look check out pubmed Oils are doing wonders for other health ailments too. Check out some of these articles: It’s pretty clear that essential oils are an effective way to treat common and more serious ailments. Here are some Doctors speaking about how using Essential Oils changed their approach to the way they treat their patients Dr. Mercola is a medical doctor who very much understands how beneficial organic essential oils are for human health. Here are his top 5 essential oils, and what they have been shown to help with: Sandalwood Lavender Cedarwood Peppermint Frankinsense That’s an impressive list, isn’t it? And it’s only a drop in the ocean considering how many more types of essential oils are out there.

There are so many essential oil brands on the market today it is indeed a huge industry. However, not all oils are created equal, and in fact most brands are simply not pure.

They are often made synthetically, offering no benefits to your health and with some experts saying that they are in fact very toxic. Many “natural” smelling products don’t contain anything natural – no pure oils at all, just fake scents made in a lab. Fortunately there are companies out there who produce essential oils that are not only pure, but are of the highest standard you can possibly find. From the United Kingdom, is my favourite (not affiliated to CE by the way) choice, NHR organic oils.

They have the largest range of Soil Association Certified organic essential oils in the world.

They also sell distiller kits for people who want to make their own oils at home and their selection of organic chocolates made with some of their oils are absolutely amazing.

There are many other excellent brands out there Dr Josh Axe, also has a range of top quality oils, and so does Organixx To discover more scientific proof about how essential oils work on physical and emotional health please visit: Just type in the name of the essential oil or ailment and you will find so much amazing stuff comes up! It’s absolutely fascinating to read. image from Greenmedinfo When you use good quality oils you can even cook with them. If you love mint, for example, adding peppermint to a chocolate smoothie will awaken your tastebuds – you’ve never tasted a better mint when using pure essential oils. A few drops go a very long way so don’t worry, you won’t be using up your bottles too quickly. I’ve got a great recipe from the doTerra blog for you to try. Black bean brownies are a delicious and nutritious twist to a traditional chocolate brownie. You might be nervous about baking with black beans, but don’t be – they have a very mild flavor and are extremely rich, creamy, and full of protein. You can also boost the flavor of your brownie with essential oils such as Peppermint, Wild Orange, Cinnamon, or even Lavender. Ingredients: 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained, and rinsed 2 large eggs 1/4 cup cocoa powder 2/3 cup honey 1/3 cup coconut oil 1⁄2 teaspoon baking powder Pinch of salt 4 drops Peppermint essential oil 3⁄4 cup chocolate chips, divided Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Place all ingredients, except for chocolate chips, in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. 3. Pour batter into large bowl and stir in 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. 4. Pour into greased 8×8-inch pan and top with 1⁄4 cup chocolate chips. 5. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Let cool and cut into pieces. Store in refrigerator. Eat and enjoy! For more recipes and information please click here: * It’s important to note that essential oils are incredibly powerful and need to be used very very wisely. You need to know what can or can’t be put on skin directly, and only use internally under the care of someone who really knows what they are doing. I’ve burnt myself using too many drops of certain oils in the bath and have been silly in the past putting some oils on my skin undiluted – ouch! You also must take care when pregnant or breastfeeding.

There are some oils that are contraindicated. When used properly, essential oils can be absolutely amazing for you and your family’s well-being. .

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