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The Man Who Built A Beautiful Custom House In A 700 Year Old Cave

By this point we’ve all seen a number of remarkable alternative living structures.

The Man Who Built A Beautiful Custom House In A 700 Year Old Cave

Whether it be something as innovative as an earthship, or as minimizing as a tiny home, there are more and more people stepping away from traditional living. Find out how you can take strides to joining this exciting trend by checking out Off The Grid And Minimalist Living: A Step By Step Guide To Live A Self-Sustaining Lifestyle And Simplify Your Life. Despite this seeming trend, I doubt you’ve ever seen a space quite like the one built by Angelo Mastropietro, the former head of an Australian recruitment company. Ten years after taking refuge in a cave during a rainstorm, Angelo decided to buy the 700-year-old natural shelter in Worcestershire, United Kingdom. But rather than simply owning the unusual property, Angelo took on a renovation project unlike any other, breaking, cutting, and burrowing his way to an absolute dream home for any fan of The Lord of the Rings franchise. After over 1000 hours of work and approximately £160,000, the 38-year-old man has built a dream estate featuring many luxuries, including a rainfall shower, wood fireplace, and heated towel rack. What makes Angelo’s story even more powerful is that he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2007, leaving him temporarily paralyzed.

The health condition reminded him of the importance of being mindful about his health and surrounding himself with a place to live where he could be happy and healthy. That’s when Angelo acquired the 700-year-old cave, which is carved into 250-million-year-old sandstone cliffs. Barcroft TV put together a short video showcasing the remarkable home: In addition to being flat out awesome, what I particularly appreciate about the cave dwelling is that it shows just how many alternative housing options there truly are. Is it realistic and feasible for us all to purchase a cave and dig out a luxury home? Absolutely not. But it is possible for us to live in a world where the majority do not live in cookie cutter subdivisions or overpriced boxes in the sky.

The more alternative structures are both built and promoted, the more likely they are to remain a growing trend.

The final point I wanted to make is in regard to Angelo’s story.

There are far too many of us that, like Angelo, take a reactive rather than proactive approach to our health. We get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, often ignoring the warning signs that our bodies actively give us. It’s not until something more serious kicks in, such as Angelo’s MS diagnosis, that we finally stop and decide to do something to turn our lives around. Rather than waiting for something detrimental to happen, choose to value your health right now. Be proactive in taking care of the vehicle we’ve all been blessed with and let’s start accomplishing great things while healthy. Ready to change your life today? Get my FREE eBook on 5 Quick Daily Hacks for a GENUINELY Happier Life sent straight to your inbox within 48 hours by signing up here. And for more brutally honest personal development content designed for those who actually want to change, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and to follow me on Facebook. SOURCE .

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