The Midazolam Murders: You stayed at home so that Drs & Nurses could kill your Friends & Family with Midazolam & COVID Jabs & tell you they were COVID-19 Deaths
The world was thrown into chaos when a new virus, Covid-19, was declared a pandemic by the government.

Fear propaganda was broadcast non-stop on television and radio, all paid for by the government and they used the pandemic as an excuse to pass laws that restricted civil liberties and bribed the public with furlough payments to not go to work.
As the pandemic progressed, the government’s true motives were revealed, as they were found to be putting vulnerable individuals into end-of-life care and administering a drug called midazolam to kill them, while lying to the public by claiming that their deaths were due to the virus.
The consequences of vaccination were also revealed as it was not a vaccine, but an experimental gene therapy that had never been used on humans before; and not without good reason.
Tragically, as things began to settle, the true consequences of the Covid-19 injection roll-out were realised.
The fully vaccinated accounted for over 9 in every 10 deaths associated with the virus, and mortality rates per 100,000 were lowest among the unvaccinated and highest among the vaccinated in every age group.
Two years after the initial roll-out, 20 million deaths had been recorded in the “Five Eyes” countries and 26 other countries in Europe, resulting in 2 million excess deaths. This was a huge increase on deaths recorded throughout the pandemic before the vaccine roll-out.
In Europe, there was a huge increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14, as soon as the vaccine was approved for children by the EMA. The very “vaccine” that was supposed to protect them had the opposite effect, and many parents were left devastated after falling for the coercive lies which resulted in the loss of their children’s lives.
Meanwhile, by week 40 of 2022 in the USA, half a million deaths among children and young adults were recorded following the Covid-19 injection roll-out, resulting in 120,000 excess deaths. This highlights the severe impact that the vaccine had on the young and healthy and the devastating loss of life caused by the vaccine.
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The world was thrown into chaos when fear propaganda began to be broadcast non-stop on television and radio, all paid for by the government.
They claimed that a new virus called Covid-19 was causing a pandemic and persuaded the public to go into lockdown multiple times through fear porn and bribes such as furlough payments to not go to work.
Do you remember the scenes broadcast on mainstream news channels, and plastered across the front pages at the start of 2020?
Infamous images of Chinese medical officials in hazmat suits collecting bodies off the pavements of Wuhan, where we were told they had collapsed and died in the street because of a new strain of coronavirus, now known as COVID-19.
The scenes have not been replicated anywhere else, confirming that it was all a lie and propaganda, used to whip up hysteria and justify the introduction of medical tyranny across the world, in the name of preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of the general public fell for the propaganda and were left feeling trapped and alone, as they watched their livelihoods and savings disappear.
Mental health issues skyrocketed, and children were left feeling hopeless as they watched their parents struggle. So hopeless that they were attempting suicide due to unsubstantiated fears of COVID-19 fueled by the Government’s fear propaganda.
An NHS doctor has revealed that he was seeing children as young as eight self-harming and attempting suicide amid what had become an unprecedented mental health crisis fuelled by the stress caused by months of lies pedalled by the Government and the mainstream media in relation to the alleged COVID-19 pandemic.
Consultant Dave Greenhorn confirmed that back in March 2021, he and fellow NHS staff at Bradford Royal Infirmary were regularly seeing youngsters who had attempted suicide or taken overdoses due to the stress of being terrified of family members catching Covid-19.
Commenting at the time, Dr Greenhorn said –
“We [NHS staff] have seen all sorts of tragic things that we haven’t seen before”.
“A year of lockdown is a massive amount of time when you’re so young and you can’t see your friends and combine that with other things such as parents on furlough, working from home or losing their jobs,”
“The children don’t have the emotive language to discuss why they feel the way they do, they just know that they feel awful.”
The government also used the pandemic as an excuse to pass laws that restricted civil liberties, such as banning public gatherings, limiting travel, and increasing surveillance.
As the pandemic continued, investigators uncovered the horrifying truth that the government had been putting elderly and vulnerable individuals into end-of-life care and administering a drug called midazolam to kill them, while lying to the public by claiming that their deaths were due to the virus.
You gave up two years of your life due to a lie. But not just any lie, a lie that involved prematurely ending the lives of thousands upon thousands of people, who you were told died of Covid-19.
A lie that involved committing one of the greatest crimes against humanity in living memory. A lie that required just three things – fear, your compliance, and a drug known as Midazolam.
During April 2020 out-of-hospital prescribing for Midazolam was twice the amount seen in 2019.
There are many factors to understand when it comes to the Midazolam scandal, so you can read the full original investigation into this atrocity here.
This revelation left those who had broken free from the hypnotic trance of BBC News feeling betrayed and angry, as they realized that their loved ones had been sacrificed for the government’s gain.
Many elderly citizens felt targeted and discriminated against by the government’s actions.
When a vaccine was finally invented and rolled out, it was revealed that it was not actually a vaccine, but an experimental gene therapy that had never been used on humans before.
And there was a very good reason for that as explained by Dr Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States at the time. in the following footage –
Many people were hesitant to take the vaccine. Still, they were pressured and coerced by the government, media and big players such as Bill Gates, Dr Fauci, Chris Whitty, Matt Hancock and other government officials who were heavily bribed by the Pharmaceutical companies and were also found to be shareholders of the vaccine manufacturing companies.
They used the fear of the virus and the threat of fines, loss of jobs, and lack of freedom to coerce people into getting vaccinated.
Tragically, the fully vaccinated accounted for over 9 in every 10 deaths associated with the virus…
And once things began to settle down the true consequences of the mass Covid-19 vaccine roll-out were realised.
Mortality rates per 100,000 were lowest among the unvaccinated and highest among the vaccinated in every single age group. And many people who had taken the vaccine, and finally joined the millions of others who had broken free from the hypnotic trance of BBC News were left feeling guilty and ashamed, as they realized that they had unknowingly put themselves in harm’s way.
You can read a full investigation into the devastating mortality rates here.
Two years after the initial roll-out, 20 million deaths had been recorded in the “Five Eyes” countries and 26 other countries in Europe, resulting in nearly 2 million excess deaths.
This was a huge increase on deaths recorded throughout the pandemic before the vaccine roll-out. Especially when we consider the fact that we still do not have the data for the entirety of 2022.
For example, Australia suffered 11,068 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 22,730 excess deaths by week 38 of 2022. This is in stark contrast to 2020, when only 1,306 excess deaths were recorded at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections.
This means Australia suffered a shocking 1,640% increase in excess deaths in just 39 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.
Children were also affected, with a huge increase in excess deaths occurring among 0 to 14-year-olds in Europe as soon as the vaccine was approved for children by the European Medicines Agency.
The Expose’s investigation into these shocking statistics forced the EU to launch a Europe-wide investigation into why so many children were dying.
But that investigation has still failed to reach a conclusion.
Meanwhile, in the USA, half a million deaths among children and young adults were recorded following the vaccine roll-out, resulting in 120,000 excess deaths. Parents were left feeling devastated as they lost their children to the very thing that they were falsely told was supposed to protect them.
Nearly four years on from the start of the initial pandemic, the world has found itself in a cost of living crisis due to extreme inflation caused by printing money throughout the pandemic.
Excess deaths are at an all-time high all around the world and show no signs of slowing down.
The government’s response has been an utter failure, and many people have been left feeling betrayed and hopeless.
Hundreds of thousands are now left questioning how they could have been so gullible, to follow the government’s orders without question.
The whole thing had been a disaster from start to finish.
Society is in deep shock, confusion and despair, with the people struggling to come to terms with the scale of the corruption and the cost of it.
Government officials have been found to be heavily bribed by the Pharmaceutical companies and have also been found to be shareholders of the vaccine manufacturing companies.
Take the new Prime Minister of the UK for instance. Rishi Sunak officially became Prime Minister on October 31st 2022. And look what happened to Moderna’s share price as soon as that happened.
It bounced back from the never-ending decline it has been suffering throughout the year and has risen ever since. Why?
Because Rishi Sunak’s company ‘Theleme’ is one of the largest shareholders in Moderna.
Sunak was a hedge fund manager before he became a Member of Parliament and later Chancellor of the Exchequer, and he founded and worked at Theleme Partners LLP, a hedge fund management company based in London, UK.
In 2011, Theleme was one of the earliest investors in Moderna, when Moderna only had about ten employees. Fast-forward 11 years and you will find that Theleme is now the 6th largest shareholder in Moderna, and Moderna is the largest holding of Theleme, with 6.3 million shares held as of June 2022.
Is it just a coincidence that within two months of Sunak’s Premiership, his Government announced that they had cemented a 10-year-partnership with Moderna in what it hailed as a “major boost for vaccines and research”.
This 10-year deal struck with Moderna stinks of corruption and it is lining the pockets of the UK Prime Minister at a cost to both the British Taxpayers’ wallets/purses and their health.
And it is just one of the dozens of examples that prove the Establishment orchestrated the whole Covid-19 pandemic to suit their financial benefit.
These facts alone should disgust and anger the majority of the public. The only problem is, the vast majority haven’t realized it was all a lie. And, sadly, we’re not sure they ever will.
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