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The Power In Realizing That We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

Imagine that you found the doorway that leads out of here.

The Power In Realizing That We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

You woke up and bolted out of the film house and suddenly found yourself standing square-shouldered, bright-eyed and reenergized as an outside observer looking back at a simulated construct.

The newsstands, the gym, the church, the school, the cafe, the university, the car, the bedroom, the stores and the highways suddenly showed themselves for what they truly are: a series of matrix overlays, force fields, illusions, lines, grids and electromagnetic pulses firing in different directions and flashing before your vision. It donned on you that each of these spaces overlap so that the systems and institutions which govern them can attempt to control your behavior. By controlling only one individual, they thought that they could control everyone. However, they failed to do so, because the one they tried to control was the first to wake up and escape their simulated dream. Where the Tao and God exist (which is everywhere) there is no control; there is only pure freedom and liberation.

The Human Spirit rises time and again to override the systems, networks, webs and matrixes of control in infinite directions of space and time throughout the epic hyper-verse.

The Spirit–[Your Spirit]–cannot and will not be held down, but rather, it lives, moves, breathes and creates by perpetuating its beauty and grace in the spaces between the atoms and molecules of our shared reality. In attempting to control us in this dimension, [they] try to plug certain simulations into a person’s consciousness to make them enact or carry out tasks ranging from menial to momentous.

There are times when I find myself walking or stretching casually, jogging slowly or climbing stairs, and I actually feel and experience myself at the gym as if I were winding down from a long workout. It is very interesting to note that in these moments when I experience the overlay of dimensions, I am 100% conscious and aware of my body, mind and spirit being in a particular space-time frame wherever I am standing. I am entirely inside my body, and yet at the same time, I experience myself in another realm side by side. This aberration in the grid seeks to influence your mental evaluation and examination of your life experience moment to moment, and its purpose is to control you mentally, physically and emotionally. However, it fails to control your spirit, and since it is your spirit that is eternal, the best tactic seems to be to fight to reclaim your soul. You can use their overlays to your advantage. Anytime you have a similar experience of feeling that work, school, a pub, the gym, shopping, dining out, or making love all seem to be occurring at the same exact moment, you can simply shift your awareness through the paper-thin veil. You create a time tunnel or wormhole of escape that carries you safely to the realms beyond [their] reach. Stuart Wilde called it “Smiley Country”: those places in your mind and spirit where you cultivate kindness, love, laughter, and you find yourself shining with a gleaming grin beyond force fields of illusion and control. There are wormholes, time tunnels, parallel universes and infinite possibilities for each of us to come upon and discover. It is through these tunnels that we ultimately emerge to a new freedom, again and again and again. Every time we fall and get back up, every time we rise again and triumph over unimaginable circumstances, and any time we refuse to quit but instead carry on with an ancient endurance, we dismantle another veil or brane that separates truth from fiction. We reclaim our pen, our power, and our purpose, and fashion our rewrite. This time, the story ends only so that it can begin again, and the new beginning marks the rebirth, regeneration and restoration of Gaia, the Goddess, Mother Earth, the Celestial Force, the protection and safety of our children, and the revolution of the Human Spirit that cannot and will not be held down. .

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