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The Secret To Staying Healthy: The Lymphatic System

Let’s talk about the sewer system of your body.

The Secret To Staying Healthy: The Lymphatic System

Did you know the lymphatic system circulates, cleans, and filters all the leftover blood in the body? There is even more lymph fluid in the body than blood, and it is far too important not to educate people about this before society’s toxic, consumeristic products overwhelm our most important detoxification system.

The gut contains up to 80% of our immune cells, contained in GALT, or gut associated lymphatic tissue. From our tonsils and adenoids in the throat to our colon, the gut is the storehouse of the lymphatic system. Lymphocytes, or white blood cells that are part of the lymphatic system, are also stored and made in the thymus behind the heart, the spleen, appendix, bone marrow, and lymph nodes scattered throughout the body. See how important mouth to colon health is? Why would the body put nearly our entire immune system there if exposure to food weren’t so vital? .

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