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The SMS Recordings Revealing That Assange Was Framed By Police In Rape Case

The SMS Recordings Revealing That Assange Was Framed By Police In Rape Case

For the past six years, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been prosecuted and held captive on the grounds of rape allegations, of which are now being revealed as completely concocted by the police. On August 20, 2010, an arrest warrant for Assange was first issued by the Swedish Prosecutor’s Office, but was withdrawn the following day. Eva Finne, the chief prosecutor, announced that she believed the rape accusation held no merit, actually saying: “I don’t think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape.” “Six years ago today, on 7 December 2010, I was handcuffed and locked into Wandsworth prison by order of a Swedish prosecutor, Marianne Ny,” Assange explains in a testimony released on Wednesday. “I had not and still have not been charged with an offence.

The claimed grounds for my arrest and extradition without charge were so that Ny could question me. But it was not until six years later – three weeks ago – that I was questioned for the first time. I have decided to release my responses.” Though Assange was finally questioned in November, he notes that “my Swedish lawyer was excluded from the room in yet another breach of my basic rights.” The 19-page statement released explores Assange’s version of the events leading up to his prosecution. He even discussed being coerced by the American, Swedish, English, and Australian governments. Assange notes that the allegations regarding sexual assault came after he started revealing the war crimes of the U.S. government revolving around Chelsea Manning. He says: “I... could not believe my eyes when five days later I saw a headline in a Swedish tabloid that I was suspected of a crime and arrested in my absence. I immediately made myself available to Swedish authorities to clarify any questions that might exist, even though I had no obligation to do so.” Assange calls the sexual misconduct in question actually “consensual and enjoyable” sex with a woman known as ‘SW,’ and notes this only happened four or five times. However, the accusations claim the sex with SW occurred while she was asleep. This is considered rape under Swedish law.

The SMS messages recently released say this did not happen.

The statement reads: “Her behaviour towards me on the night in question and in the morning made it clear that she actively and enthusiastically wanted me to have sex with her. This is also shown by text messages ‘SW’ sent to her friends during the course of the evening I was at her home and during that week, which the Swedish police collected from her phone. Although the prosecutor has fought for years to prevent me, the public and the courts from seeing them, my lawyers were permitted to see them at the police station and were able to note down a number of them.” It seems people are finally beginning to take Assange’s mistreatment seriously. In fact, the United Nations rejected an appeal by the U.K. recently of a prior ruling, calling it “not admissible,” and demanding that London and Stockholm end the “arbitrary detention”of Assange. .

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