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The Sun, not CO2, drives the Earth’s climate, a new study says

The Sun, not CO2, drives the Earth’s climate, a new study says

Experts analysing data in a report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPPC”) point to changes in the planet’s albedo – the fraction of the Sun’s energy reflected by Earth – as the factor driving the rise in global temperatures.

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A report from the IPCC indicates that Earth’s warming trend is not caused by human-related activities but by changes in the planet’s albedo.

Ned Nikolov – a scientist specialising in climate, cosmology and astrophysics – and Karl Zeller – a climate scientist and Nikolov’s longtime research associate – argue that the IPCC’s data interpretation of the data is flawed and that atmospheric pressure plays a more significant role in global warming than greenhouse gases.

Nikolov and Zeller suggest that the IPCC has misrepresented, and potentially falsified, CERES, data on solar and long-wave radiation to fit the prevailing narrative of human-induced climate change, specifically by inverting trends in solar energy absorption.

Based on his analysis of NASA’s CERES data, Nikolov suggests that all global warming observed in the past 24 years can be attributed to increased solar energy absorption due to reduced cloud cover, not rising CO2 levels.

“This is not my theory,” Nikolov said. “It comes directly from satellite data that NASA has provided. It’s on their website.”

Zeller criticised the IPCC’s data interpretation, noting that their models present misleading trends by inverting the actual measurements, showing an increase in albedo.

Nikolov and Zeller say that greenhouse gases like CO2 have a negligible effect on global warming compared to atmospheric pressure.  Their research, published in the journal Geomatics, attributes recent warming – including the extreme 2023 heat anomaly which NASA stated was the warmest year on record – to changes in solar radiation, not greenhouse gases.

“These findings call for a fundamental reconsideration of the current paradigm of understanding about climate change and related socio-economic initiatives aimed at drastic reductions of industrial carbon emissions at all costs,” they wrote.

The two scientists call for greater transparency and scrutiny of climate data, acknowledging the difficulty in challenging the entrenched global consensus on anthropogenic global warming.

The above is a précis of the article titled ‘IPCC Data Shows Human Activity Not Causing Global Temperature Rises’, written by Adrian Norman and published by SCNR.  You can read the article HERE.

Further reading: Nikolov and Zeller: Analysis showing Earth’s climate is driven by Sun and cloud albedo now published, Talk Shop, 21 August 2024

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