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The Three Minute Commercial That Puts Full Length Hollywood Films To Shame

The Three Minute Commercial That Puts Full Length Hollywood Films To Shame

The Thai telecommunications conglomerate,’True’ is getting great reviews worldwide for its latest short film called ‘Giving.’ It tells the story of a man who is unexpectedly rewarded for a lifetime of good deeds without expecting anything in return. Giving unconditionally resonates with everybody, and something that touches everybody in a special way within. Giving unconditionally equates to the true feeling of joy. This is a great little short commercial that puts full length hollywood films to shame. It would be nice if these types of messages were beamed to the billions on planet Earth everyday instead of what we have now. All of us are full of love, we are full of light. Some of us have forgotten how to connect with this aspect of ourselves that exists within all of us and share it. .

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