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The Truth About The Life & Death Of Novelist Jennifer Jaynes

In an interview with Brian Jaynes, Erin Elizabeth helps us quell the conspiracy theories and understand the truth about the passing of Jennifer Jaynes.

The Truth About The Life & Death Of Novelist Jennifer Jaynes

What can we learn when we realize that a conspiracy theory that gained traction on social media turned out not to be true? As we have already mentioned in updates within our previous article about the death of Jennifer Jaynes, the main reason that accurate information did not come out right away was due to legitimate concerns about the well-being of Jennifer’s two young children. As we noted, activist Erin Elizabeth had been in touch with Jennifer’s husband Brian Jaynes and there was a promise that the truth would come out when the time was right. Once I discovered that Erin Elizabeth had completed this interview with Brian, I felt that it was important to share this interview below with our readers. It was released in an article on December 14th on Erin’s HealthNutNews website. I do not need to add any more as I believe the interview brings us the difficult truth about Jennifer Jaynes’ passing, as well as telling us more about her as a person, wife, and mother, which hopefully will help all of us move towards closure on this. I believe that when it comes to matters of interest to the public such as this, which have the potential to spawn theories that are prevalent within social media, it is important for us to report on them. However, it is equally important to tread carefully, and distinguish between verifiable fact and speculation, and raise questions rather than make assertions that have not been verified. Beyond that, it is important to follow up on what is true, even if it discounts theories that the public had been eager to spread. In this case, it brings us to a place of care and concern for those close to her, especially her two children. Erin Elizabeth has started a fundraiser for Jennifer’s two children for those who feel moved to offer support. Discover how Conscious Breathing can improve your life in just 10 days through our upcoming guided challenge starting January 13th, 2020! Get access to daily videos, guided meditations, and community support to master conscious breathing basics. Release stress, activate heart coherence, improve digestion, sleep better and more! Sign Up For The Chall.

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