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The Truth Behind Politics

My jaw dropped.

The Truth Behind Politics

Sitting in front of my computer, I watched an interview by VICE news (read here) in which the President of the United States of America openly stated that he is both powerless to stop an imminent war on Iran and helpless to prevent the systematic extinction of all life on our planet – all because of an elitist few who profit from these crises.

The reality of the corruption in our system is not some conspiracy theory.

The truth is right there in front of us, and it completely baffles my mind that such proclamations do not instantly incite a global uprising, as people cry out for justice. It is even documented on television for our entertainment! Today I caught a bit of the BBC TV entertainment show Caribbean, in which Simon Reeves goes to drug-torn barrios of Nicaragua, the world’s most dangerous country, before heading to Jamaica where crime rates are actually reducing. In his TV programme, Reeves finds out that the two main gangs which are ripping Nicaragua apart already agreed 2 years ago – at the government’s request – to come to negotiations for peace, but the government has yet to reply. Why? Because there are people within the government in whose financial interest it is to keep the main drug trafficking route into the United States operating. That final conclusion is mine.

The programme only states this implicitly, when Steve informs us that crime in Jamaica used to be nearly at the levels found in Nicaragua. He decides to visit the Jamaican government to find out how they have been tackling this problem. He finds out that the solution there has been a zero tolerance policy on lying and corruption in the government and police force. Politicians and police in Jamaica are now required to take lie detector tests if placed under investigation, and anything less than 100% truth is cause for immediate reprimand. Can you imagine the vast implications of such an approach if it were adopted in the West today? Here at Collective Evolution we all know about conscious living – namely, being aware (or conscious) of how things around us are positively or negatively having an affect, so that we can act accordingly to increase our overall happiness. Part of that conscious awareness is also realizing how our indifference and passivity to the current political structure contributes to our own misery. As the impending UK general election (to be held on 7th May 2015) is looming ever closer to an almost entirely disillusioned and despondent public, I felt impassioned to put a video together about “The Truth Behind Politics.” The film asks serious questions to get people considering and debating the values of the current political system; for there has never been a more crucial time for people the world over to come together and discuss realistic options for a better system – a system that serves the well-being of all life on planet Earth, our home.

The film also offers resources for further investigation into the current system and into a different, more positive possibility for the future, and encourages us to investigate these ideas so that we can all contribute informed perspectives in a serious debate about a better system. So what do you think? Do we need a better alternative to the current political system? .

Read the full article at the original website


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