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The Twitter Files

The Twitter Files

If you're still under the naively mistaken belief that there is no Deep State, the Twitter file dumps1 from Elon Musk detailing how Twitter, before his acquisition of the company, was coerced into doing the FBI's bidding, with actual FBI agents on its staff to control the online narrative, ought to set the record straight.


In fact, the lawlessness of our intelligence agencies and the psychological warfare against the American public is far worse than most people ever expected.

FBI paid Twitter huge sums of money — your tax dollars, might I add — to censor certain views and stories, such as the damning Hunter Biden laptop story, which likely would have sunk Joe Biden's bid for the presidency had it received the attention it legitimately deserved.

The FBI even ran a tabletop exercise about "hacked" information relating to Hunter Biden ONE MONTH before the real story broke. During that exercise, they practiced the narrative (i.e., lies) that weeks later became "official truth."

There is a Deep State running the show, and they're doing whatever they damn well please, without regard for the law or the U.S. Constitution. They're acting completely outside the rules of our Constitutional Republic and the laws of the land, and they've weaponized the very agencies that are supposed to protect us and act in the public's best interest and turned them against us.

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