The Woke will try to kill us but they will kill themselves first
The woke are patronising and superior and their hypocrisy is staggering.

And the woke will try to kill us but they will kill themselves first.
What the term “woke” means has changed in recent years.
Woke originated from African American vernacular English in the 1940s and was derived from the phrase “stay woke,” which meant to remain aware of social and political issues, particularly those affecting the African American community.
Because of the various psychological operations to implement nefarious agendas on societies, being “woke” has taken on a whole new meaning.
American author James Lindsay has substantial resources on his website ‘New Discourses’ on what being “woke” means today. Dr. Vernon Coleman describes the condition more succinctly below.
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We underestimate them.
We laugh at their earnest devotion to the pseudoscience of climate change.
We smile at their childish failure to understand that the European Union is a fascist organisation, founded by Nazis after World War II.
We wonder at their blind commitment to Net Zero and the Great Reset, quite unaware of what is happening.
We are quietly astonished at the way they waste two gallons of fresh water in washing out a yoghurt pot so that it can be sent abroad to be burnt or dumped as landfill.
(And they think they are saving the world.)
We watch, in quiet despair, as they confuse patriotism with racism.
And then parade their own prejudices and bigotry as though they were virtues.
The woke are patronising and superior and their hypocrisy is staggering.
Their communal sense of entitlement is paraded with astonishing hubris.
They promote the idea of free speech but suppress, demonise, cancel and silence anyone who disagrees with them.
They `know’ they are right about everything. They believe it is their right to be always right.
And so there is no need for discussion or debate.
The earth is flat, there are no germs, gender is optional.
Lockdowns are wonderful. Work is optional. Facemasks are essential.
There is never a cause to which they are not devoted.
As long as it is irrational.
They call themselves liberal but they do not understand the word.
They unthinkingly devour The Guardian and are uncritically devoted to the BBC.
The woke are dangerous, not just because they are wrong about everything but because they are blinkered.
They refuse to listen, to discuss, to debate.
They firmly reject science and logic with starry-eyed commitment.
But one thing will be their undoing.
They are devoted to the pseudoscience of vaccination. They do not realise that it will kill them.
The woke will try to kill us.
But they will kill themselves first.
Please visit the bookshop on If you feel the need to escape from this increasingly rancid world might I suggest a visit to Bilbury in Devon? All 15 Bilbury books in `The Young Country Doctor’ series are available as paperbacks and as eBooks. The first three books are now also available as audio books. The books describe the life and adventures of a young country doctor in the 1970s.
About the Author
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books. He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website,, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.
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