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This Energy Device Could End The Need For Fossil Fuels & Nuclear Power

This Energy Device Could End The Need For Fossil Fuels & Nuclear Power

What if there was a device we could implement in the very near future that could end the need for fossil fuels? Given we are in a time where our climate and ecosystem is breaking down as a result of our actions, creating solutions to live in a more harmonious world is highly important. This is why we’ve not only chosen to contribute to their campaign but are passing this along as well. Crowd Energy has made a huge step forward in that realm by creating Ocean Energy Turbines. Crowd Energy has created an ocean powered generator that is able to generate high amounts of electricity.

Their device is fish and ocean friendly and protects the environment around the device from any electromagnetic radiation that it may emit.

The generated energy is stored and transferred to land where it can be used in the same way energy is used today. Crowd Energy is a renewable energy company with over 150 years of combined experience in the ocean industry. After 8 years of research and development on the Ocean Energy Turbine, they are now looking for help from the public to raise funds to build large-scale systems for testing at the Florida Atlantic University.

The benefits of this state-of-the-art, eco-friendly design present a viable solution in lowering the effects of climate change. You can contribute to their campaign using the button below. You can check out the video below for a full explanation on how the technology works and what they will do moving forward. According to Crowd Energy: “We have specialists in subsea engineering, oceanography, marine ecology and conservation, electrical engineering, fabrication, and design. We have the experience, technology, and expertise to make this vision a reality. By bringing our project to Indiegogo and being funded by the wonderful people who are part of this community, we will be able to rapidly move the turbine project toward utility-scale power generation.

The first step following the successful Indiegogo campaign will be to move Crowd Energy’s operations to Florida Atlantic University (FAU). Using the Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center (SNMREC) at FAU open water testing. Crowd Energy will begin final development of the large-scale turbine. As the turbines are installed they will be the first underwater turbines to deliver clean and safe, renewable energy to the power grid.” “At Crowd Energy, we aim to lead innovation in clean and safe ocean energy around the globe. We are Crowd Energy because we are a crowd of energy enthusiasts focused on solving the Global Energy Crisis responsibly. Together all of us can be an example and ensure our world will be clean and sustainable for future generations.” – Crowd Energy If you’d like to contribute to Crowd Energy’s ocean turbine campaign, you can do so by clicking this here. .

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