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This Family Lives In A Floating Fortress In The Middle Of The Ocean

In Canada, about half an hour by boat off the coast of Tofino, British Columbia, live Wayne Adams and Catherine King, proud owners and operators of Freedom Cove.

This Family Lives In A Floating Fortress In The Middle Of The Ocean

Freedom Cove is an incredible off-grid float-home and garden constructed in a very colourful and artistic way. This amazing magenta and turquoise float home consists of about 12 platforms, supporting several wooden structures, greenhouses, and living spaces that are all interconnected through a wooden pathway system. During the winter months there is enough rainwater collected for drinking, and in the summer there is a fresh water source in the form of a waterfall just across the bay. A hen house once existed here as well, but there were too many predators with easy access to the hens, so Wayne and Catherine decided to give up on livestock altogether. Wayne and Catherine are completely self-sustainable.

Their electricity is supplied through solar panels and photovoltaic energy generators.

They have numerous greenhouses that produce fruit and veggies all year round! This system has been sustaining itself for the past 20 years.

The couple also have two children, Eleanor and Alistair. Wayne and Catherine are well-respected artists in their community; they make and sell carvings and candles that can be found in gift shops across Tofino. If you ever find yourself on Vancouver Island near Tofino, you can actually take a charter tour to visit this amazing float house or a sea kayaking tour.

The couple welcomes visitors to share some of what they have learned during their two decade long journey of self-sufficiency. Wayne has some amazing stories to share about his adventures and travels, and Catherine can tell you all about her former life as a professional dancer. One would imagine that this type of lifestyle would be completely disconnected from society and some may even think that it would be very boring, but Wayne, Catherine, and their two kids insist that their lifestyle is very connected to nature and their surroundings in a way that is completely unavailable in modern city life. What do you think? Could you do it? Could you be self sufficient and live off the grid? Much Love .

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