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This Film Festival For Conscious Films Is Redefining Mind Expanding Cinema

There are few mediums in this world that are capable of being as captivating as film and television are.

This Film Festival For Conscious Films Is Redefining Mind Expanding Cinema

Don’t believe me? Look at some of the numbers: as of January of this year, Netflix surpassed over 75 million subscribers worldwide, and the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens became the fastest film to gross $1 billion. To me, numbers such as these clearly show that no matter how challenging our lives may become financially, we still find ways to invest our time and resources into cinema. With that being the case, it is even more exciting to see this medium used to deliver powerful content to us, the viewers, rather than just the usual, predictable Hollywood blockbusters. And this focus on intelligent, thoughtful cinema is at the core of Illuminate’s annual film festival in Sedona, Arizona.

The Illuminate Film Festival is the premiere destination for all conscious cinema, giving change-makers in the world of film a reputable platform to display their work.

The festival features an abundance of empowering content on subjects such as, but not limited to: The festival offers viewers the opportunity to learn and be entertained via a platform we all enjoy, with the added incentive of being around like-minded individuals. This year’s festival will take place over 5 days from June 1st – 5th and will feature 22 films, over 50 speakers and workshops, and a healing lounge, all across 4 beautiful venues in Sedona, Arizona. Having made a number of conscious films ourselves, including our most recent feature length documentary, The Collective Evolution III: The Shift, we at CE know how wonderful it is to have a festival of this nature, and are truly excited to share it with you. Check out the festival’s official trailer: This year’s film lineup is still being composed, but has a core theme of Social Issues, Conscious Solutions, which seems to fit in perfectly with the needs of the entire world. Several members of the Collective Evolution team will be at the festival, attending a number of screenings as well as taking part in many of the special events being offered. For more information on the festival and to purchase your tickets, please click on the following image: Even if you cannot attend, do your part in changing the face of the mainstream media by spreading the news of the Illuminate Film Festival through your network! .

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