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This Genetically Engineered Bacteria Can Inhale CO2 & Produce Energy

Fossil fuels have played an important role in our lives throughout human history, but it wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that they were extracted so widely.

This Genetically Engineered Bacteria Can Inhale CO2 & Produce Energy

And in the short period of time since then, we’ve consumed an astonishing amount of them, with little remaining and a climate seriously impacted. It took millions of years to create these incredibly dense forms of energy, but once they have been depleted, they’ll be gone for good. This truth has been overlooked for years, but as our consumption — and pollution — increases exponentially each year and the very real possibility of depletion looms ahead, more people are seeking out alternate solutions to our energy demands. A new genetically engineered bacteria can take CO2 out of the air and convert it into energy, which may help preserve our fossil fuels.

The bacteria, which, unfortunately, cannot help with our CO2 problem because it works on too small of a scale, was genetically engineered to absorb hydrogen and carbon dioxide and convert them into alcohol fuel.

The hope was to produce enough efficiency to surpass plants, which they achieved.

The researchers also recently announced that the bacteria can even convert sunlight 10 times more efficiently than plants. .

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