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This Guy Eloquently Speaks Out Against The System On National TV

Actor and comedian Arsenio Hall has recently revived his once popular talk show that originally ran from 1989 to 1994.

This Guy Eloquently Speaks Out Against The System On National TV

As one of his first guests Arsenio had Spoken Word Champion Prentice Powell perform a piece entitled ‘The System.’ Powell has had a great deal of success as a Spoken Word artist and poet, a talent that seemingly came naturally after he had placed 4th on the National Finals stage just two months after writing his first poem. ‘The System’ is a short but thought-provoking piece that sheds light on the system that the world currently operates on and the role that we as humans are expected to play within it. Prentice sets the stage with his very first statement: Arsenio the system don’t want us here right now... I really enjoyed the piece as I found it not only effective at shedding light on certain truths to the system but also entertaining as Prentice’s vocal delivery and performance skills are quite impressive. Help spread the video and bring even further light to information that is definitely different than what we are used to seeing on national television. .

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