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This Incredible Moving Company Helps Women Leave Abusive Homes For Free

What started as a simple way to earn some extra cash, has evolved into a full fledged moving company that is helping those in need at a time when they certainly need it most.

This Incredible Moving Company Helps Women Leave Abusive Homes For Free

Aaron and Evan Steed founded Meathead Movers in 1997 to both give themselves something to do and to earn some extra spending money while going through high school. With a starter asking price in the range of $20 and a pizza, the duo quickly compiled a respectable demand for their services in California.

Their work shifted however, when the company occasionally received moving help requests from frantic women desperately looking to flee their abusive homes. Being incredibly loving at heart, the two men were always happy to oblige and help the women in need as quickly as possible -often even doing so in situations where monetary compensation wasn’t available. This form of community service was becoming more and more prominent in the community until a particular instance in 2000, when the abuser returned home mid-move. Rather than let this threatening situation derail them, Aaron and Evan elected to rise to the challenge by partnering with a local woman’s shelter.

The partnership has since helped all involved, and has allowed the company to continue to impact the lives of many throughout their community. Through the partnership, those faced with the hardship are not only given help with their move, but they are now also given counselling to help them along even further.

The movers also benefit by having a representative from the shelter on hand for all moves with quick access to the local police should a situation ever escalate. Since 2000, the company has continually expanded both geographically into Santa Barbara, Ventura, Orange County, Los Angeles and San Diego, and internally to include services that assist any victim of domestic violence, male or female. What I particularly appreciate about this story is the reminder it serves as to the power we all have to make an impact in our local community. We may often feel small and powerless, but as this story exemplifies even a small act can quickly evolve into a major change-maker. It reminds me of the story of Tommy Kleyn, the Dutch man who grew tired of walking past a polluted riverbank to work and decided to take action and clean it up himself. By posting his actions online, Tommy not only inspired those in his local community to do the same, but also thousands of people worldwide, many of us at CE included, to do our own cleanup project.

The global footprint impact of just a single person cleaning a riverbank may be minimal, but the decision to do it anyway is both empowering and often leads to a series of actions capable of making a serious dent in that same footprint. In September of this year, the group at Meathead Movers took their initiative to an entirely new level by launching a campaign designed to inspire other businesses to help put an end to domestic violence.

Their goal is to connect with 100 businesses, that because of their campaign, have launched new initiatives to help combat the situation. Aaron, Evan and the rest of the team at Meathead Movers truly recognize the importance of community and it’s inspiring to see how much of an impact that recognition has made. SOURCE .

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