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This Is What We Support When We Buy Meat, Eggs Or Dairy From Factory Farms

The world has been waking up to the fact that our modern day meat and dairy industry is responsible for many in-humane acts, including the mass destruction of our environment.

This Is What We Support When We Buy Meat, Eggs Or Dairy From Factory Farms

In the United States alone, billions of animals are raised every year in horrific conditions for human consumption. Eating meat today is not what it once was hundreds of years ago. In the video below “Game of Thrones” actor and longtime vegetarian Peter Dinklage narrates “Face Your Food,” revealing the ugly truth about that meal on your table and how it got there.

The video was done by PETA. All beings on this planet deserve the right to live, all of them have feelings, emotions and intelligence just like we do, they experience love and compassion as well as fear. What right do we have to do what we do to them? How would you feel if you were forcefully taken against your will and tortured? The issue is that animals don’t have a voice that humans can easily understand. So if we don’t speak for them, who will? This isn’t an argument of becoming vegan or vegetarian. Ego’s aside, it’s simply a matter of looking at and acknowledging the truth.

The time will come when people such as I will look upon the murder of animals as now they look upon the murder of people – Leonardo Da Vinci Warning: This video is very graphic. .

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