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This Little Girl Asked Her Divorced Parents To Be Friends; Her Astounding Wisdom Will Touch Your Heart

This video has gone insanely viral over the past few days, and for good reason.

This Little Girl Asked Her Divorced Parents To Be Friends; Her Astounding Wisdom Will Touch Your Heart

She seems wise beyond her years, offering simple, yet profound advice in a way that makes it feel like her soul is speaking directly to us.

The girl, named Tiana, is asking her soon-to-be divorced parents to be friends with one another. She says, “If I can be nice, I think all of us can be nice too.” “I’m not trying to be mean, but I’m trying to do my best in my heart.” How sweet is that? She wants her mother to take notice of her, to recognize that she has something important to say – a message directly from her heart. Even the language that Tiana uses is very intelligent for her age. She seems to have an incredible grasp of emotions and how to handle them, and it’s easy to see that she is extremely passionate about the feeling she is trying to convey. This is a beautiful message, not just for parents who are going through a divorce, but also for every other person in this world who wants to love, and be loved. We should all take Tiana’s advice and learn to get along. And we should listen to our children, they are so often ignored, but they really do have a special kind of wisdom which we often lose touch with as we age. As Tiana says, everyone should smile. Much Love .

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