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“This Planet Will Be Theirs” – Professor Explains His Startling Conclusions About Alien Abductions

Dr.David Jacobs, a retired university professor, and Young-Hae Chi, from the University of Oxford have both hypnotically regressed people who claim to have had ET abduction experiences.

“This Planet Will Be Theirs” – Professor Explains His Startling Conclusions About Alien Abductions

. After thousands of people, they all share the same story. How is this possible? How can thousands of people from all over the world share the same experience? Something is going on here, it's time we begin looking at that. Is there justification for the secrecy that exists in this space? Yeah, the title of this article can seem quite scary, but this is one perception and there is a lot to talk about here. To even contemplate the idea that (some) intelligent extraterrestrials are taking human beings against their will for unknown reasons, subjecting them to several different experiences that will be elaborated on later in this article, and then (in most cases) returning them from where they were taken, can completely destroy one’s worldview paradigm. It seems like something out of a horror movie, perhaps it would be best to take the perspective of all the animals that we take for our own entertainment and scientific purposes, that animal would most-likely have a difficult time comprehending what exactly is going on and would probably assume there is nothing but malevolent forces at work. Furthermore, we ourselves, have a difficult time communicating with that animal, and cannot get through to it due to the fact that it’s so extremely panic ridden. Is this what’s going on in abductions? Perhaps there is something greater at play, even for our own good? Perhaps not. Many abductees, although subjected to much trauma, have had a sense of comfort and also telepathic communications letting them know that they’ll be alright. What’s going on here? Some sort of science experiment? Genetic manipulation? Human/alien hybridization? Watch our free screening on CETV with contactee Susan Manewich. Before we get into it, it’s also important to mention the fact that when it comes to extraterrestrial contact, of which millions of people have claimed to have had, there are multiple categories.

There are abductees, as described above, and there are contactee’s, those who are not taken forcefully but rather have encounter(s) with supposed intelligent extraterrestrials, sometimes friendly, and other times a quite fearful experience as well.

Then there are those who claim to be ‘channeling’ extraterrestrial beings, but have not experienced physical contact. An example of a ‘contactee’ experience would be when more than 60 school children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe witnessed the landing of a spacecraft by their schoolyard. Two beings apparently came out of the craft and were seen by the children.

These beings were also conveying telepathic messages to the children.

The messages included the care-taking of our planet, and what would happen if we don’t turn it around. Many of them had disturbing visions, and are still speaking about the encounter today, which was made public by Harvard psychiatrist John Mack. You can read more about that story in detail, here. Mack, now deceased, is a great source for information when it comes to abductees and contactee’s, another great one is Dr. David Jacobs a recently retired Professor and historian at Temple University who makes a very interesting point, Now, let us suppose it is not happening, all those things still remain, and yet it’s not happening, there is no such thing as the abduction phenomenon. If that is the case, we have found the most important thing ever in the history of neurology, brain function, cognition...all these people are saying the same thing at their risk, this is not going to bring applause to them , that they say they’ve been abducted by aliens from outer space. High functioning people say this knowing full well it could destroy their careers, and they say this around the world...And it’s not happening then what? (source) Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans – Don Donderi, Retired McGill University professor, Department of Psychology (source) There are multiple theories based on the abductees and those who are actively involved with the research. One common theme seems to be an alien/human hybridization program. Many abductees claim to have been subjected to strange procedures, from having their sperm or egg extracted from the body, sometimes for males this occurs through forced orgasm. Others report being forced to breed with a human-like extraterrestrial. Many women who are abducted and subjected to these procedures become pregnant shortly after they are returned, and during their pregnancy they experience another abduction event where they are returned without their fetus inside of them. After this, the next abduction usually occurs years later, and involves the abductee inside of a ‘meet and greet’ with their hybrid child, or children.

They spend time together aboard the craft, and are observed during this type of activity by the extraterrestrials. This is extremely common for women, women have these experiences all the time. – Jacobs According to Dr. Jacobs, in a recent interview he gave with UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan (see below), there is some type of ‘take-over agenda.’ Some of these hybrids return to Earth with their mother, and are, according to Jacobs, currently living amongst us.

They do not know our ways, have many questions, and seem to be in ‘observation’ mode. Dolan describes them as lacking emotion, Jacobs feels that they are very logical and very curious about our ways. He’s even been in contact with a supposed hybrid, via the parent. He hypothesizes that “this planet will be theirs.” These hybrids also apparently have the ability to neurologically control humans to some extent, from a close distance of a few feet. When they come here, I’m making very large claims of course, when they come here, as people have told me, they are naive .

There is only so much they can learn being on board a UFO, once they come here to live in human society, they learn that there is a lot more to learn. So, the abductee takes them to the supermarket, and teaches them how to buy food etc...They are amazingly good at remembering things...all information is remembered...Their brains are different than ours.

They can control us, from a few feet away, and that control is, that’s a bad one. – Jacbos Keep in mind, we are talking about the typical Gray alien here. It’s important to mention that abductees and contactees have reported multiple beings, from the grey alien, to reptilian beings, insect and animal like beings all the way to human looking extraterrestrials of various sizes, and obviously, hybrid looking type of humanoids as well.

The ability to neurologically control others, is indeed scary, and for a being of those capabilities, you would hope that they are nothing but service to others, as I am sure we all do. Furthermore, we are talking about regular people, doctors, lawyers, university professors, people who are struggling, living in poverty etc.

These abductees are located all over the world, from all walks of life, and all share practically the exact same story when they are hypnotically regressed. We’ll get to that point shortly as I want to elaborate on it more. It does not matter what country they come from, they all say the same thing. -Jacbos This is amazing, considering the fact that thousands of these people have been regressed by researchers. It’s also interesting to note that hybrids are not only composed of half human, and half alien, but there are also exchanges between hybrids with humans as well.

There are multiple generations with varying amounts of alien/human, based on the research of those mentioned in this article. Obviously, we don’t know the answer to this question, but the overall gist from most researchers is that the main idea is the preservation of our planet. This comes from experiences like the one mentioned earlier in the article about the 60 school children in Zimbabwe. Not only that, this narrative comes from multiple credible ‘insiders’ with very interesting backgrounds.

There is what seems to be a lot of benevolence when it comes to examining the intention of these supposed beings, but there are also hints of malevolence as well. Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one of many examples I’ve used in the past. He was assigned to the US Atomic Energy Commission and has had a long service there between 1950-1958 made him privy to some very sensitive information. He eventually decided to go public and tell the world that the “preservation of the planet is their main concern.” He did so in this interview with Dr. Steven Greer. He was not talking about hybrids, but simply extraterrestrials. Who knows if the group he was referring to is the same group involved with the hybridization program? Again, we are talking about what could be multiple groups visiting our planet, others with perhaps some benevolent intent, and others, unfortunately, with some malevolent intent. It seems that the Gray alien is most involved with the abduction phenomenon, along with insect like beings and reptilian type beings as well. But what about this hybridization program? Is it benevolent or malevolent? There are differing opinions here among those who are involved with this research. In the interview with Jacobs, Dolan compares these hybrids to psychopaths who don’t seem to have any empathy, at least that’s the way it can look sometimes. He claims that some of them are “faking their way,” simply to find out more about what’s going and how we operate here, or at least this could be a possibility. This goes along with Jacobs’ hypothesis, that the purpose here is the colonization of the Earth. I’m not sure if I agree with the empathy comments by Dolan.

These are things we do not know, we do not know how they feel towards others, how they would react if they saw someone in a helpless situation. It’s also important to keep in mind that Dolan could be correct, they are after all half alien, and an important part of some sort of unknown agenda that’s going on that’s been conducted by this ET group. How do we know if ET’s have the same emotional capacity as us? Does that make them bad or good? It’s our human perception in the end that filters what we see. Perhaps the ‘abductors’ are ‘working’ for someone else? Another group? Who knows. Are they seeding the planet with a hybrid population? Is this simply another step in our evolution and how it’s happened all along? Is this some sort of take over agenda for self serving purposes, or have human beings messed up so much that the preservation of the planet requires a completely new race? We don’t really have many answers yet to be honest. At this point, we can’t really draw any conclusions. I do not believe feelings and intuition should be used to decipher mass truth about the phenomena at this point, but I personally feel there is an important role to play for hybrids, and that they will know this role when the time comes. But again, who knows, everything at this point, for the most part, is speculation, except for the fact that they are here and that they are increasing in numbers. Perhaps all of us are some sort of hybrid? We don’t know enough yet, and there is still a lot to find out as time goes on. It seems that there is simply a hybridization program taking place and that these hybrids have been walking amongst us for quite some time. If something overly sinister was supposed to happen, I feel it already would have. But then again, there is a possibility that this phenomenon did not start until after World War 2, at least Dr. Jacobs seems to believe that based on his research (he mentioned that in the interview). If this is the case perhaps we are looking at some type of military component? I say this because based on my research, some ‘alien’ abductions may be military abductions that utilize psychotronic weapons. In the interview, Jacobs mentions a colleague of his who is also heavily engaged in abduction research. He does not seem to share the same ‘grim’ type of perspective, despite the fact that he is getting the exact same results.

The colleagues name is Young-hae Chi, who also engages in abduction research. He is a professor at the University of Oxford. Below is a link to the entire interview with Dolan and Jacobs if you’d like to listen to it in its entirety. Later on you will find a lecture from Young-hae Chi. We know that the phenomenon is very, very widespread around the world. People think that this is an American phenomenon, it is not. I’ve worked with people from Africa, and Asia, and Latin-America, and Europe and so forth... All say the same thing all around the world, it does not matter where they’re from. People often ask me whether there’s any consistency in abduction accounts, the consistency is mind-boggling. – Jacobs. (source) Chi, Jacobs, and others before them, have regressed and researched thousands of people. Chi, in Korea, and Jacobs in the United States. They correspond with each other, as virtually all abduction researchers have found.

They’ve found that the stories coming out of hypnotic regressions are the same, with very similar but unique differences, for practically everyone. How jaw-dropping is this? Either there is some sort of new mental condition, or some type of psychosis happening that’s not looked at or mentioned, or, something is really going on here. Susan has been involved in extensive contactee research and shares EXACTLY what is similar in contactee experiences. We interviewed her on CETV. It seems the latter, especially given all of the evidence that already exists for the existence of UFOs that are piloted by an extraterrestrial being. Jacobs believes that the purpose for these programs is the colonization of Earth, as mentioned. But Young, however, based on his research, believes in the benevolent theory, that this is being done to spark a more compassionate and environmentally aware citizenry who actually care about the planet they live on. Interesting isn’t it? Below is a full lecture by Chi discussing his conclusions.

The UFO phenomenon is no longer taboo, and the idea that some of these craft may be piloted by intelligent extraterrestrial beings has, in my opinion, strong evidence behind it. We have statements from thousands of credible people from within the military, intelligence agencies, governments, academia and more that has all been complimented by physical evidence and electro-optical data.

The conversation gets deeper into why they are here, what are they doing, how their craft work etc...It leaves no area of humanity untouched.

The abduction phenomenon in particular can be quite ‘scary,’ but as you can see based on the information provided within this article, there are many unknowns, and it’s still hard to determine what exactly is going on. To be honest, I still believe it’s something far greater than we may be able to comprehend at this moment. Based on witness testimony, and the fact that many of these craft have taken, as former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer once said, “corrective measures to avoid our aircraft,” it seems they are not here to harm. That being said, the protocol still seems to “shoot first and ask questions after,” which is how, possibly, Dr. Edgar Mitchell knew that “there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” One thing is for certain, we are not alone, and we’ve never been alone. Perhaps the preservation of the planet is something more important than WE are... We’ve been writing about this topic in depth for years, below is one article out of hundreds that touches on what’s currently happening in the mainstream with regards to UFO disclosure. If you’d like to read more of our articles on the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon, visit the disclosure section of our website.

The US Government Just Admitted To Recovering Materials From UFOs – Here Are The Latest Updates .

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