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This Revolutionary Transformative Tool Can Change Your Life

Life Alignment is a revolutionary tool for a personal and global transformation.

This Revolutionary Transformative Tool Can Change Your Life

It has been developed by Jeff Levin, who integrated a collection of energy healing systems and created a new vortex technology to work with people and environments to release energy blockages. Life Alignment identifies the energetic and emotional root cause of any imbalance in your body, helps you release these blockages and then restore the natural flow of life energy so that deep healing can occur.

The cause of all imbalances is found within the subtle fields which later manifests in the physical body. Life Alignment works in the subtle realm which is far more receptive to change than the dense physical. By changing the pattern at a subtle level (cause) it then reflects in the physical world.

The physical body merely responds to the changes that happen at the subtle levels.

The physical dimension is a miniscule part of the totality of who we really are. Thinking on this inter-relatedness of all things, we are part of a vast interconnected universe and thus for healing to take place, the human body, mind, spirit and its environment must be addressed as one. Through working with the whole person and their environment, Life Alignment provides a field for profound change, through identifying the root cause of energy imbalances that result in illness and lack of personal fulfilment. This gentle process of identification and self-reflection uncovers negative thought patterns that sap our energy and delay the changes we desire, in order to release them and bring positive ones to achieve our goals and aspirations. It is only our higher self that knows the stories we hold in our subconscious library. Release from fear and doubt opens the heart to presence and trust. As we know energy can’t be destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another, in the case of Life Alignment this transformation results in an increase of the cellular light, assisting people to shift into higher dimensions of consciousness in alignment with planetary shifts. When we find and live in alignment with our inner purpose, we have the foundation for fulfilling our outer purpose. This reconnection with our life purpose dissolves the filters that obscure our true self and brings clarity and vitality to all aspects of daily life: health, well-being, family, relationships, business, career, creativity, home, etc. Life Alignment allows us to move forward with greater self-empowerment and self-awareness and to be aligned with our true spirit. —————————- Raquel Rios is a qualified Life Alignment practitioner, having studied pedagogy, drama and holistic therapies. Her work has involved her dealing with a diverse range of issues. She has helped to heal personal relationships, stabilise physical, emotional and mental health imbalances, remove energy blockages in workspaces and on private properties. She offers distance and one to one sessions, residing in London, United Kingdom. For more information please visit her website or email Raquel at Sources: .

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