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This Video Will Change The Way You Look At Healthy Eating

This Video Will Change The Way You Look At Healthy Eating

Do you ever wonder what makes us form unhealthy habits when it comes to our physical well-being? Is there more to this than just reaching for what we “prefer”? Is it really that ‘healthy’ people just prefer healthier foods, while other people just prefer unhealthy foods? It turns out that a lot of the food that people consume regularly is extremely addictive, and most of the time their eating habits start to develop at a very young age. Countless studies have shown that sugar in particular can be as addictive as heroin, but many parents are simply unaware of this. While, of course, all parents want the best for their children, they often don’t realize the damage they are causing by choosing to feed them certain foods. If children are being fed a diet high in sugar, sodium, and processed foods from an early age, then there is a good chance that those eating habits will follow them into their adult lives, and will eventually be passed down to their own children as well. Why not break the cycle? The video below showcases exactly what can happen when this story plays out. If you can, try to cut out as many artificial flavourings, colourings, and sugars as possible. Try giving them fresh pressed juice instead of sugary store-bought juices, and show them the fruits and vegetables that you are using in their meals. I have heard from many parents that if you involve children in the preparation process while making their meals and snacks, they are more likely to want to eat them afterward. Give them a variety of different foods to choose from. Most importantly is to lead by example — if you are eating and enjoying healthy foods, your kids will likely want to follow suit. Explaining to them where the food is coming from might get them more excited about eating it as well. If you can stop this cycle early, do it! This is just one of the many ways we will change the world. Much Love .

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