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Thrown To The Wind: The film that could Save an Entire Whale Species is now free to watch

Thrown To The Wind: The film that could Save an Entire Whale Species is now free to watch

When Public released its first documentary, ‘Thrown To The Wind’, a month ago, Facebook censored any mention of it.  At that time, it was only viewable by subscribers to Public.  Now, Public has made the documentary available to be viewed by all, for free.

Thrown To The Wind reveals the reality behind the specious claims of an industry that has long billed itself as a boon to the natural environment. It exposes the price the world is actually paying for the industrialization of our oceans by offshore wind corporations: the killing of whales and the potential extinction of an entire cetacean species.

The wind industry says it isn’t killing whales, but it is. New boat traffic is colliding with whales. And high-decibel sonar is separating whale mothers from their calves, sending them into harm’s way.

Watch Thrown To The Wind below, which lays out the evidence, below.

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on Substack HERE.

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