Time To Opt Out? A Solution To Voting & Politics
Voting has been the means by which we believe we are making a difference in how our countries operate.

At a municipal level, voting appears to make a difference, but at a federal level, it appears politicians don't really run the country. Is it time to reflect on and explore the age-old practice of voting within our current system? If politicians don't truly run the country, should we continue voting? Trump has been president for 2 years now, and as the midterms have come and gone, people continue to feel as though they are not being properly represented by the system of politics. How do we know this? Well, people say it. Not only that but now is a time where people are more charged than ever before. We can observe that people are literally complaining every day about what they see happening in their countries, yes I say countries because this isn’t just about the US, this applies to all. Look at France for example. So we have to bring up the question of how we get here. This happens because we put our energy, faith and power into a system of politics and the illusion of democracy. I have always posited that casting your vote is like casting a spell, except it’s on you. I do believe that when it comes to small town or municipal elections, you can see a legitimate change in an area when you vote. This is partly because handling small areas and small amounts of people is much more natural to our overall state of being than trying to manage millions under one idea. It’s also because there is less deep state/cabal focus on small level politics and much more on nationwide or global politics. Feeling inspired to vote in your local area makes sense to me, but countrywide elections never have, especially given the fact that we know all is controlled by a force beyond government. You can explore that more here. I gained this knowing about voting from simply observing the truth about how our world operates and that for the last 31 years being on this planet, I have not seen politics truly make any big differences here in Canada or in the US. Instead, people are always left feeling ready for a change that never comes. I decided to make the video below to spark philosophical thought as a final follow up to what has become a massively charged political issue, due to media and politicians, the migrant caravan. I wanted to encourage reflection on a deeper level about what it means to align with political sides, whether they truly represent us, and whether we truly are seeing effective change as we continue to vote. Do the main things always stay the same? Is quality of life getting better? How about our enslavement to the economy? Is this all we’re truly capable of? I ask these questions because it is us who decides what happens here. Individually we have the power that collectively gives us huge power. Not power in the ways of lusting for control and power, but power in creating a world we truly desire and know is possible. If we choose to keep blindly playing the games set forth for us by a controlling few, what we get is what we got. But what if we choose to stop and reflect? What if we truly thought about the questions I set forth above and in the video below? What world might we create? Remember, this video isn’t the be all end all, it’s a philosophical exploration to spark conversation. Also, if we lived in a world where the deep state didn’t run a country, voting might make more sense, but does it in our current situation? .
Read the full article at the original website