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Towards self-regulated learning: Effects of different types of data-driven feedback on pupils' mathematics

Mathematical word problems refer to word problems where the information that is presented needs to be integrated, typically into a mathematical formula, to arrive at a solution to the problem.

Towards self-regulated learning: Effects of different types of data-driven feedback on pupils' mathematics

When solving mathematics word problems, elementary school students often have difficulties improving their performance due to a lack of selfregulated learning (SRL). However, SRL can be developed by adopting an appropriate teaching approach which offers quantitative feedback or learning prompts. With the sophistication of interactive and data-driven feedback technology, it is possible to provide timely and personalized strategies for promoting students' SRL. In this study, an interactive e-book editing platform was used to design self-regulation-level-based feedback(SRLF) and task-level-based feedback(TLF) teaching models, which were respectively conducted in two similar fifth-grade classes for the mathematics word problem solving lessons. Using ANCOVA and repeated ANOVA, this study found that (1) the SRLF had a remarkably greater impact on elementary school students' mathematics word problem-solving performance than the TLF, with a partial η 2 -value of .107; (2) In the short period of time, there was no significant difference between the two kinds of feedback on the learners' SRL.

The TLF was slightly superior to the SRLF, especially in terms of total self-regulated learning scores and cognitive strategies; (3)The TLF had a significant interaction effect on self-regulated learning and cognitive strategies, respectively with a partial η 2 -value of .059 and .056.

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