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Trump Furious As New Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegation Emerges

Trump angrily Tweets, calling our the "Radical Left" as new allegations of sexual misconduct on the part of Justice Kavanaugh emerge.

Trump Furious As New Brett Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegation Emerges

How are we to move forward as so many politically driven claims come forth like this? Are they true? Are they a ploy? Can we truly ever tell? Are we seeing more political battles or a wake-up call about the misconduct of people? President Donald Trump has come out suggesting Brett Kavanaugh should sue for “libel” after a fresh sexual assault allegation has emerged against the Supreme Court justice in the New York Times. Trump initially misspelled the word “libel” as “liable” and this of course sent mass media into a frenzy. In an op-ed published yesterday, New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly stated that in the midst of their research for their forthcoming book about Kavanaugh, they found a previously unreported allegation of sexual misconduct against the Supreme Court justice. According to both Kelly and Pogrebin, Yale student Max Stier had witnessed Kavanaugh pull down his pants at a dorm party and his friends then pushed his penis into an unnamed female classmate’s hand. Stier reportedly told senators and the FBI about the incident during the investigation into the then-Supreme Court justice nominee last year during the Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford accusation trial. According to the Times op-ed, the FBI did not investigate Stier’s account. Trump accused the “Radical Left” and news media of attempting to intimidate Mr. Kavanaugh with the new allegation. “Brett Kavanaugh should start suing people for libel, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue.

The lies being told about him are unbelievable. False Accusations without recrimination. When does it stop? They are trying to influence his opinions. Can’t let that happen!” Trump wrote on Twitter. Since the new allegation on Kavanaugh, some have been calling for the impeachment of the Supreme Court Justice, the hashtag #impeachkavanugh has been trending on Twitter. As we always say here at CE, not enough information about this has come to public access to make any complete statements. This certainly doesn’t stop most people from reacting extremely emotionally though, which sometimes you can’t blame people for when you look at the nature of some in high places, but at the same time reacting so emotionally often leads to issues we collectively could avoid by simply remaining calm and pursuing more information. This, of course, is the design of our modern engineered rage culture, but this isn’t to say there isn’t truth to allegations like this, more so that creating rage, whether events are true or not, is what pulls society apart. This is the clear goal of those in power beyond government. That said, it’s possible Kavanaugh is guilty in this case. While the Blasey Ford story in 2018 seemed to fall apart very quickly, including her witnesses, one cannot simply brush off new allegations. I do feel it is the responsibility of people and the media to be responsible and not move into a political rage as it often happens. I also feel honouring such allegations with a proper investigation is a necessary step in our current society. On the Right, some might view this solely as a political ploy to create more chaos around Trump, this is not a bad observation as we have seen this so heavily with the hoaxed Russian Collusion investigation. It’s media ploys like that, which become proven false, that make it hard for people to then believe events that could be true. On the Left, this story fits right into the rhetoric that has been building for years.

The reality is, we have learned that many in high places are involved in inappropriate sexual acts. It simply appears though that we only want to see the truth of ones that fit our political beliefs and identity. For example, the DNC’s prized Clinton’s are highly implicated with Epstein’s pedo-ring, but that isn’t a convenient narrative for our beliefs, so let’s just stick to the Right and Kavanaugh being guilty. Perhaps we can’t see the world clearly when we crowd our observation with identities and political sides? The CE protocol is what it is for a reason, it’s designed to help humanity evolve and find peace. This involves breaking the illusion of our reality, awakening neutrality within ourselves, deprogramming limits and living aligned with that state of being. In this case, if we do not break the illusion political sides place on us, we cannot expect to see the truth of our world. Those on the Left and those on the Right will always fail to see the hidden hand above that works to engineer society into these divides and keep us disempowered both consciously and within society. Check out the CE Protocol here to learn more about how we can truly shift the way we see our world and ourselves. Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network! It is the world's first and only conscious media network streaming mind-expanding interviews, news broadcasts, and conscious shows. Click here to start a FREE 7-Day Trial and watch 100's of hours of conscious media videos, that you won't see anyw.

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