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Trump’s Tweet About Turkey, The Epitome Of Egoic Leadership

A tweet from Donald Trump on Oct 7th, 2019 illustrates the state of being he operates from as he views the world around him.

Trump’s Tweet About Turkey, The Epitome Of Egoic Leadership
Are we at a point where we must begin to discuss politics, society and challenges we face through a different light? One that isn't centred in judgement and political sides? If we are to expect changes in our society from an infrastructure perspective, we might expect that changes in society’s culture and leadership must go along with that. But first, we must see the nature of culture clearly, unavoidably and loudly – to me, this is what we’ve been seeing with Trump’s character and in ways, I feel it serves. For years CE has presented the very basic foundational notion that in order to create change in our outer world we have to look at the inner world, or state of human thought, conditioning, culture etc, and learn how it has shaped that external world. Through that process, we must also see the truth, not a veiled version of reality, but actual truth. We call this Breaking The Illusion. In fact, it’s step one in the CE Protocol, which is a calculated plan, if you will, as to how we can create the inner state of being and thinking necessary to create change in our external world. In order to break the illusion, or the spell if you will, much like Neo in the movie the Matrix, one must be open and willing to see it. Be open to following that deep knowing that something is ‘off’ about our world, not quite right, and that we are capable of something more. What better way to begin to explore that ‘matrix’ than to have it become so loud that it’s hard not to see? In simple terms, Trump represents how millions of people think and operate, including politicians, only, he does it loudly and on display for everyone to see. It’s so loud that guess what, we can’t avoid having to talk about what it means and represents. In my view, this was made evidently clear in a recent tweet from earlier this month where Trump left it all on display, and we has many times: As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!).

They must, with Europe and others, watch over... — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 7, 2019 It’s my way or the highway, is essentially what he’s saying here. Interestingly, this tweet was retweeted 40,000 times and liked 145,000+ times, far more than the majority of his posts. Why? Because many people do resonate with Trump and his way of thinking. Instead of viewing this as right or wrong, we can see this as the current state of people and extract details as to what this means and how it helps to create the world we live in today. We’ve often reported on Trump’s different, yet limited way of seeing things. A reality that does scare or make some in the establishment uncomfortable. This is why in many ways it feels like Trump is rocking the boat on some issues, while playing the ‘same old’ on others. By looking at things in this manner, as opposed to traditional forms of judgment or political lenses, we Awaken Neutrality. This steps us beyond the polarity of right or wrong for a moment, from left or right, and instead allows us to examine the deeper layers of humanity’s culture and actions that ultimately create the state of affairs we operate within daily. Neutrality is important as it lets you see truth, not your version of truth, or a political version of the truth. This is why step 2 of The CE Protocol is awakening that neutrality, because once we can begin looking at the world from a neutral point of view, we begin to hold the power to actually adjust it – and ourselves. Trump’s tweet is representative of self-centeredness, the ME culture that permeates so much of what we experience today. It’s easy to blame this on vanity and social media but really it’s about showing, loudly, what it looks like to live under the notion that we are all completely separate, that we are all just a ME. How does that feel? What world does that create? Do we create solid community? Or does it create many individual directions, all that move with no connection to another? Don’t confuse this with the notion that we must all be the same, instead reflect on the disorganized nature that ME culture creates and ask whether or not it considers the whole and stems from self-awareness. Remember, it serves when our inner states of being become loud at times, as they become easier to see. Within curiosity instead of judgement, i.e. neutrality, we now can begin letting go of all the programming we have learned via these disconnected and unaware states of being. This is where we begin to sense our true potential and start feeling what it’s like to be a more aware, wise, connected and authentic person.

These steps represent steps 3 and 4 of the CE Protocol, Deprogramming Limits and Living Aligned. In current events, we can see the truth of our current culture, society and state of being. We can choose to judge these actions, get upset, lash out and be angry, and that will lead us somewhere. We can also choose to take an approach similar to the protocol we present, and make a cultural shift that moves us out of anger and into empowerment that creates a new state of being and a new set of actions in turn. Which path do you choose? It’s in that answer where you can decide which world you’re voting to create. Collective Evolution is creating a massive and needed evolution in media through the CE Protocol. This is something that is much needed and has not been presented in the past. To learn more about the CE Protocol, click here. Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network! It is the world's first and only conscious media network streaming mind-expanding interviews, news broadcasts, and conscious shows. Click here to start a FREE 7-Day Trial and watch 100's of hours of conscious media videos, that you won't see anyw.

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