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Undercover Investigation Reveals Photos of Foxes Bred 5x Their Normal Size & Killed For Their Fur

Undercover Investigation Reveals Photos of Foxes Bred 5x Their Normal Size & Killed For Their Fur

It’s astonishing that there’s still such high demand for fur, leather, and other animal products in the fashion industry when there are so many cruelty-free alternatives that are equally as affordable, durable, and aesthetically appealing. Most of us living in industrialized nations are no longer living in the wild and require fur for warmth, as the vast majority of us have access to houses with heating and jackets with man-made fillers to keep us warm. Yet, we still see this obsession with fur and other animal products in the fashion industry. Fashion is not fuelled by necessity, but rather consumerism. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for expressing yourself and I encourage people to dress however they please, but does an innocent animal really need to die in order for you to do so? Developing your own unique image and expressing yourself through your appearance can be a wonderful part of life for many people, but at what cost? So many people become so obsessed with their appearance that it leads to genuine unhappiness, and tons of people in third world countries as well as animals are suffering at the hands of the fashion industry. One of the more recent examples of animal cruelty within the fashion industry was revealed thanks to an undercover investigation performed in Finland.

The investigators found extremely overweight foxes bred for their fur who were trapped in cages and so heavy that they could barely move.

The investigators even captured it all on camera, so you can really get a glimpse of how animal cruelty is embedded in the fashion industry.

The following photos were taken by the investigators from a local animal rights group in an effort to expose the animal cruelty that takes place within the fashion industry.

These foxes are being bred in Finland for their fur, and they’re so overweight that they can barely move and most of them cannot see because their rolls of fat literally cover their eyes.

These animals are bred to be five times their natural weight, so it’s understandable why they can barely move or support themselves. Some of these foxes weighed an astonishing 19 kg as a result of genetic selection, in comparison to their average weight of 3.5 kg. Of course, the fur from these animals isn’t just being purchased by the Finnish. In fact, over the course of the past five years, over £2.5 million worth of fur items were sold and exported from Finland to the UK.

The following images are of some of the overweight foxes in Finland bred for their fur: Of course, it’s not just foxes that suffer at the hands of the fashion industry. Millions of animals are tortured and killed every year for their fur, from raccoons and coyotes to wolves and otters, and many others in between. It’s not just the fashion designers and clothing companies to blame; it’s us! We are the consumers of these products. If there weren’t such a high demand for them, then these companies wouldn’t be torturing and killing these animals in the first place. Consumerism has become far too prevalent in society, and it’s blinding us from seeing how our desire for more is affecting other beings. If you purchase or wear fur, ask yourself, “Why?” Why is your desire for fashionable clothing so strong that you try to justify animal cruelty just to make a fashion statement? Sometimes, when we see the fur on a piece of clothing, it allows us to become detached to where it came from. You’re not seeing it on a murdered animal, you’re seeing it on a clothing rack, so we don’t always make the connection. Nevertheless, it’s important that we remind ourselves where these items came from, so we can put an end to animal cruelty once and for all. Remember, you vote with your dollar, so if you’d like to take a stand against animal cruelty, all you have to do is stop purchasing products from the companies who support these inhumane practices! Much love. .

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