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Understanding The Law Of Cause & Effect & How It Impacts Your Life

Everything has a cause and effect Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Understanding The Law Of Cause & Effect & How It Impacts Your Life

You can duplicate others 'causes' to achieve the desired 'effects.' If you understand this universal law, you can use it to make the best decisions for you and step into your highest potential.

The universal law of cause and effect essentially means that every single action will have an equal and opposite reaction. Oftentimes, this is thought of as the concept of Karma, if you do good, good will come, but if you do bad — watch out. However, this notion goes much deeper than that, and truly understanding how this really works can have a significant impact on each decision you make in your life and where these decisions may lead you.

The law of cause and effect states that every single cause has an effect and every effect then becomes the cause of something else. This suggests that the universe is in constant motion and is continually progressing from a series of events. This also means that nothing in life simply, just happened, it means that everything happens for a reason, even though that reason can be really difficult to see or understand, especially during some of our more challenging times. Every single action you take will have a consequence — not necessarily “good” or “bad” although, that is just a matter of perspective anyway. For example, if you make the decision and take the action to drink in excess on a weeknight, then the consequence will be a massive hangover and likely a very terrible next day at work. Are you overweight? This could be the effect of poor diet and lack of exercise. Are you in major debt? The cause may have been excessive spending on your credit card. You see? As the saying goes, “What you reap is what you sow.” So, hopefully by now, you understand what the law of cause and effect means, but how can we use this knowledge to our advantage and make it work for us? Understanding this law will help you think twice before doing anything... for example, it may challenge you to react in a different way towards your partner if you already know that a certain thing will hurt your significant other in an argument, perhaps you will now try a different approach to getting your point across, or maybe even saying nothing at all. Maybe, you’ll take a different path on a trail you like to walk and it will lead you to make a special connection. If you put yourself into debt to buy a car, you might then have to pick up an extra shift. Essentially, this is all about knowing that everything you do, will cause something else. This law can come in very handy if we are trying to better ourselves, by observing steps taken from people we admire or consider successful, perhaps in the realm of relationships, business, adventure, etc. We can exert the same causes as those who have found success at something we are aiming to have exerted and achieved the desired effect. You can essentially copy the steps they took, you might want to ask yourself any of the following questions, You see, by implementing the same causes as your role models the law states that you should have a similar effect. It may not be exactly the same or exactly as you imagined it because we can never do something exactly the same as another, but we can find what works for us. Do you find yourself saying, this always happens to me? If so, perfect! This is a great opportunity to examine your current causes and see how they may be affecting you in such a way. Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” If something that you typically do isn’t working for you, change it. If you know something has worked for someone else, try it out! This may require some massive action on your part, but I promise, it will be worth it. I was reading a blog about this concept and came across this story from the website that I felt was worth sharing, Years ago a good friend of mine had a conversation with Dr. Wayne Dyer. At the time, my friend was interested in becoming an international, inspirational speaker, so he asked Dr. Dyer this question... “I want to be an international, inspirational speaker, but I’m not, so what do I need to do to achieve this?” Dr. Dyer said, “Tell people you’re an international, inspirational speaker.” My friend said, “No, no, I think you’re confused. I’m not an international, inspirational speaker, I WANT to be one, what do I need to do?” Dr. Dyer said, “Tell people you’re an international, inspirational speaker.” Again my friend said, “No, no, no, I’m not an international, inspirational speaker, I WANT to be one, if I tell people I am one and I’m not one that would make me a liar, so what do I need to do?” Dr. Dyer said, “No, you’re NOT a liar, you are a prophet!” And that’s when the LIGHT BULB WENT OFF! So my friend began telling people he was an international, inspirational speaker... and guess what? TODAY he IS an International, Inspirational Speaker! As a matter of fact, he even had a small segment in the hit movie The Secret! Sometimes taking “action” just means believing that you can Be, Do and Have whatever your heart desires! Even if you have to fake your belief until you finally believe it for real! You can make the law of cause and effect work for you, even simply by understanding how it works. I hope this post brought you some insight and value. Have you experimented with this yourself and have a story you’d like to share? Consider posting in our Collective Evolution Group on Facebook and let’s get the conversation going. Much Love .

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