Understanding The Significance Of Your ‘Saturn Return’
Saturn will cycle back around to the same place it was at the time of your birth every 29.5 years or so.Many experience significant challenges and change during this time.

. This is a time for deep spiritual action and reflection. If you're aged 27 to 30 and feel like your world is about to explode, know that you are not alone. Everything that seems to be not working out is a point of reflection for you. Is there something to learn? Let go? Face? Confront? Whether you are familiar with astrology, planetary alignments and the impact they have on your life or not is basically irrelevant, it still effects you and your life in some way. Sometimes a little insight can actually be hugely beneficial in helping you understand why you may be struggling, confused, or it feels like everything’s just not working out. Perhaps you are feeling quite joyous and successful — well, astrology can often explain that as well. Even if you have no interest in these concepts, or don’t believe in them, you might still be interested to continue reading to see how the return of Saturn may have affected you, has been affecting you or will affect you in the future! The Saturn Return is when the planet, Saturn, comes back to the same place it was aligned in space at the time of your birth. This process takes around 29.5 years, which means the effects of this alignment are typically felt in the late 20’s and the impact can be felt into the early thirties. Generally, between 27 and 30 is when this event will be most significant in your life. Why a long range? Energy of celestial bodies can be felt as they near, are here and as they near while leaving. First off, I just want to point out that throughout this article I am referring to the first return of Saturn, this cycle does occur every 29.5 years, so you may have this occurrence happen multiple times in your life. I felt compelled to start researching into this topic because, in all honesty, my life has essentially been in shambles this past year, one thing after another not working out, uncertain of where I am going in life, what I truly want, what I can offer the world, how I can support myself, finding a partner, deep-rooted family issues resurfacing from the past and it has seemed that everywhere I turn I am being hit with yet another roadblock. One person can only take so much! Not surprisingly, however, this is EXACTLY the type of thing that the first return of Saturn typically brings in one’s life. After a friend mentioned this concept to me, and realizing that I am 28.5 years old, it became so clear as to what was going on and why. It made me feel a whole lot better and brought a tremendous feeling of relief knowing that this is all part of the process of growth, and that I am not alone in this process. We all will go through this process in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not, some perhaps more gracefully than others.
The key thing to remember here is, not all Saturn returns have to be difficult. It ultimately comes down to whether or not you have done the work, seen the clear signs, and taken action leading up to this time – or whether you have just brushed off, remained inactive and ignored things that life was trying to show you. As I gained this new-found awareness, I have realized that everything is not just ‘falling apart,’ but the things that are not working out are actually coming up for me to address head on, and are also crumbling away so that can build a new foundation. Stronger than ever, with a clear indication of our values and what is important to me.
The next step of my journey. Personally, I’m being called to dive deeper into who I am, what I really want, what really makes me come alive and what my purpose is here on this Earth. No more smooth sailing and coasting through life with no clear direction as I have done pretty much up until now, I realize now more than ever that it’s time to grow up and create the life I always imagined.
The Saturn return often brings the pressure of time and sometimes the first awareness of your own mortality. You may feel more pressure now then ever before to begin building your life and feeling like you have to get going as soon as possible, as if time is running out. When you envision your dreams, you may see it as a huge obstacle that is going to take a lot of time to achieve. During this time, focus, discipline and clarity can help, this fear of time running out may just be the fire under your ass that you need in order to start working towards your desires and accomplishing your inspired tasks. Sometimes the Saturn return creates some kind of crisis that could put you directly face to face with your greatest fears. Perhaps a break up from a significant other or close friend, maybe you lost your job, have to move back in with your parents, it could be anything really. Sometimes we are completely stripped down and forced to look our fears straight in the eye in order to overcome them, and then step into our highest potential. It’s a scary thought, but you never take on more than you can handle and don’t forget, this is all a part of the process. I know I have! The planet Saturn is often referred to as the Great Malefic, whose transits are met with dread. While it may appear that everything is falling apart, Saturn is actually simply the instigator of change. Everything that is happening is meant to guide and lead you towards your own inner healing and to the ultimate discovery of the real foundation of yourself. If you are currently in Saturn return, don’t forget to face and let go of what’s not working. If you are desperately grabbing onto the things that Saturn is trying to deconstruct, you will only create more suffering in your life. Be true to yourself and get clear on what’s really important to you and what you want and what can go, leaving the fear behind. Your Saturn would be the placement of the zodiac that Saturn was in at the time of your birth. So, although the core principles of the first Saturn return are the same, each zodiac brings some different dynamics to this period in your life. To get really clear on what you can expect or to interpret all of the potential chaos that is occurring in your life, finding out your Saturn sign and reading up on it could assist you throughout this whole process. Don’t forget, “This too, shall pass.” This phrase alone has been my saving grace. This period is temporary, but being properly equipped with the awareness of what’s happening and why it can bring you great peace of minds is key. Hopefully, this can also assist you with making those big decisions that you have been putting off out of fear or uncertainty. Ultimately this period of time is a gift, it is here to help us recognize what is no longer serving us, overcome past traumas, let go of baggage and bring us closer to recognizing our full and glorious potential! Yes, it sucks sometimes, but just think of the reward from doing this work. Your greatness awaits, and don’t forget to trust the process. Much Love .
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