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United States Major General Blows The Whistle On What They Really Found On Mars

“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been contacting us for a very long time.” – Dr.

United States Major General Blows The Whistle On What They Really Found On Mars

Brian O’Leary, former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor (source) It’s not just the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon that seems to be gaining more transparency. Strange things have been observed in space. Perhaps this is why the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the missing film footage of the U.S. moon landings, or why a U.S. Defence physicist and the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the moon recently blew the whistle on what’s really up there. Major General Albert Stubblebine can be added to the long list. Although he did not participate in the Citizens Hearing On UFO Disclsoure, where a number of military, political, academic, and government personnel testified to several former Congressional members, his credentials speak for themselves. General Stubblebine is a retired United States Major General. He was also the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), one of America’s most distinguished soldiers, and chief of U.S. Army Intelligence, with 16,000 soldiers under his command. He was a major proponent of “psychic” warfare and a key player in the Stargate Project, which was a remote viewing program. Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. It’s the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away — sometimes even more— from their physical location.

The results of this project were declassified and published in the peer reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration. In this program, individuals successfully described physical objects that were nowhere near their physical location.

These programs were the inspiration behind the movie Men Who Stare At Goats. Here’s what General Stubblebine had to say about Mars: There are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976. I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them. – Dolan, Richard. UFOs And The National Security State: New York: Richard Dolan Press)(source 2) I’ll let you think about that for a moment. Is it really that farfetched? With all of the recent UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon disclosure that’s happened within the past few years, is it really hard to fathom the existence of structures, bases, etc. on the Moon and on Mars? For our latest articles on UFOs/extraterrestrials, please click here. .

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