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University Student Fed Up With Campus Rent Built His Own Tiny House & Now Lives Off The Grid

The tiny house movement continues to grow and for good reason.

University Student Fed Up With Campus Rent Built His Own Tiny House & Now Lives Off The Grid

Whether it be couples converting their trucks into three story homes or former pro athletes taking themselves off the grid, it seems that more and more people are embracing this compact and environmentally friendly way of living.

The tiny house revolution seems to have made its way onto University campuses as well, thanks to the incredible story of Chris Cerk, a 21-year-old Michigan Junior who has ditched campus living. Fed up with the cost of renting, Chris took matters into his own hands and decided to instead spend his money on something he could take with him beyond his time at the university. Chris has built a 170 square foot tiny house on a trailer, equipped with a shower, compostable toilet, and a number of other necessary features, parking it on a lot nearby the school.

The cozy residence is powered by solar and propane, and in many ways is far more impressive than a typical student dorm. Check it out: As a renter myself, it’s always tough to see cheque after cheque going towards something that involves no form of investment or long-term return. While the freedom this lifestyle choice offers is certainly wonderful, it’s inspiring to see Chris take the initiative and change this commonly accepted way of living – especially during post-secondary life. While many may see living in a tiny home as impractical, and understandably so, the movement seems to be speaking to a growing number of people. At the very least, it offers us all food for thought on the difference between how much we have or think we need, versus the amount we actually require for survival. As Chris himself alludes to, the lifestyle certainly isn’t easy, but the overall experience is rewarding both financially and consciously. What are your thoughts on both Chris’ decision and the tiny home movement in general? Let us know via the comment section below. SOURCES .

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