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Vegan Bodybuilders That Will Literally Smash Your Vegan Stereotype

Vegan Bodybuilders That Will Literally Smash Your Vegan Stereotype

Since I was a child, there has been a big misconception about non-meat eaters, whether they are vegetarians or vegans, that once deterred me from ever believing giving up meat was healthy, and then, as an adult, made me want to give up meat even more. Questions circulating the topic typically involved, “How do you get enough protein?” and “How do you get enough iron?” It was, for a long time, assumed that the best way to get protein and iron was to eat meat, and that giving meat up meant sacrificing your health. Thankfully, however, a growing movement supporting plant-based eating has since debunked such myths. You can get plenty of protein from: You can get plenty of iron from: Perhaps for a “normal” person this kind of diet might make sense, but what about for a bodybuilder? Is it possible to get strong and have a muscular body on a vegan diet? Yes. And the following bodybuilders’ stories prove it. This Ironman triathlete and bodybuilder clearly shows how vegan can be strong. “Thinking animals can be used in a humane and safe manner to produce dairy products is simply not true ....

The cruelty and torture that can be involved is just as bad as the slaughtering,” Thompson said, explaining his switch to veganism. “[D]oing something I passionately believe is right made it an easy transition.” Nelson proves plant-powered bodybuilding is nothing short of “badass.” The animal rights activist said in an Instagram post, “If you really want to make a change, GO VEGAN! Eating animals and their byproducts is f*cking up Mother Earth and her climate. Plus it’s cruel AF and just downright weird! It’s 2017, the choice is yours. Take animals off the plate!” Related CE Articles: Plant-Based Protein VS. Protein From Meat: Which One Is Better For Your Body? Metabolic Acidosis: It’s What Happens When You Eat Animal Protein 9 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat .

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