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Vegan GMO Burger That “Bleeds” Hits Hundreds Of Restaurants Across The U.S.

The "Impossible" team has successfully made a vegan burger that bleeds.This burger is made from GMO ingredients, which have been proven to have harmful effects on humans.

Vegan GMO Burger That “Bleeds” Hits Hundreds Of Restaurants Across The U.S.

. We have to look behind clever marketing tactics and use our own discernment to determine whether something is actually healthy for us to consume or not. Now is not the time to be naive, we have to be diligent with our research. With more and more people across the nation opting to ditch the meat and animal products and move towards a plant-based diet, we are seeing many alternative options emerge. While in some ways this is definitely a step in the right direction, we still have to be wary of what these products are made of and how they are made and determine whether or not they are actually healthy for us to consume. Recently, the Impossible Burger hit White Castle restaurants across the U.S. This is a soy derived, genetically modified burger, that ‘bleeds,’ it’s creators claim that it is safe, healthy and good for the planet, but is this true? Let’s take a closer look.

The company behind this is a Silicon Valley startup called Impossible Foods.

They have received over $400 million dollars worth of funding from pro-GMO advocates like Bill Gates.

The company’s genetically modified ‘ground beef analogue product’ has penetrated in the mainstream market when it hit over 400 White Castle Burger restaurants throughout the U.S. this past month. This burger has already been served at Applebee’s, Bareburger, Whalburgers and other independent restaurants throughout the U.S. Related CE Articles: Hundreds of Scientists Tell The World That The GMO/Cancer Link Is Real Federal Lawsuit Forces US Government To Share Disturbing Facts On Genetically Modified Foods How Monsanto Genetically Modifies Our Food Compared To What Happens Naturally In Nature In July of this year, the FDA granted this product as GRAS status, (Generally Recognized As Safe) which essentially exempts it from human safety studies. Considering the product is made from genetically modified soybeans, it makes it very difficult to believe that this burger is actually healthy. What gives this product its distinct blood-like color and taste is a protein called heme that is derived from soy protein. It is also known as legume hemoglobin or leghemoglobin and can be found in the root system of soy plants in very small quantities. However, it is estimated that it would take approximately 1 acre of soybeans in order to produce just 2.2 pounds of soy leghemoglobin. Realistically, we have no idea how such a massive amount of this protein, and specifically from a genetically modified source will affect us in the long run. A Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request revealed the FDA’s concern over Impossible Foods admitting that up to one-quarter of it’s “heme” ingredient consisted of 46 unexpected additional proteins, which were not tested for safety. Don’t forget to refer to the articles linked about that go into more detail and provide more of the science. Water, Textured Wheat Protein, Coconut Oil, Potato Protein, Natural Flavors, 2% or less of: Leghemoglobin (soy), Yeast Extract, Salt, Soy Protein Isolate, Konjac Gum, Xanthan Gum, Thiamin(Vitamin B1), Zinc, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin B12. First of all, wheat is a well-known allergen, affecting millions of Americans and the cause of so many adverse effects on the digestive system. Roundup herbicide is often used in wheat production as a pre-harvest desiccant. Surprise, surprise, potato is also EPA-approved for Roundup herbicide desiccant treatment, and of course the soy that is being used as an ingredient is genetically modified, which means it also contains a hefty dose of Roundup. This is why it’s so important to be aware of what you are putting into your body, it’s one thing to read ingredient labels, and an entirely different thing to understand what those ingredients are and what they represent. Sayer Ji from GreenMedInfo put it nicely, saying, “The Impossible Burger is a great example of how the pro-GMO agenda has shifted it’s marketing message from ‘saving the world from hunger’ to a ‘save the planet through sustainability.’ It is so important to take everything with a grain of salt and not just accept what is presented to us at face value. Too many of those who have chosen to stop eating meat and animal products, be it coming from a place of compassion, environmental concern or health reasons, this burger might come across as a huge step in the right direction. But no doubt, those that do not have our best interest at heart are one step ahead, and will make this burger appear to be better for us and the planet, meanwhile it’s using extremely toxic ingredients that we still do not know the long-term effects they will have on humans. Check out this clever marketing taken straight from the Impossible Burger website, This is not a time to be naïve, we have to stay diligent and continue to do our research. On the surface this burger seems to be right in alignment with our shifting dietary preferences and desire to protect our environment, but all it takes is a little look below the surface to see what’s really going on. Don’t fall for the clever marketing tactics.

The more we take responsibility for our actions, and make the choices that are in alignment with our highest good and the planet, the less we will be manipulated by the aspects of the system that don’t have our best interest at heart. Always use discernment, and spread the word! We can all do our part. Much Love .

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