Venus Retrograde In Scorpio & Libra: Adjustments Around Relationships & Values
Venus is retrograde from October 5th until November 16th.It has been building up since September 2nd, when Venus entered what is called the “pre-shadow” period.

. When a planet goes retrograde, our perspective here on Earth makes it appear to be going backwards in the sky. Unlike Mercury Retrograde, Venus Retrogrades occur less frequently, every 19 months, but they last about twice as long. Although both retrogrades have some similarities in regards to how they might affect your social life, Venus still presents a much different vibe. Retrogrades are a time to revisit, reflect on, and make adjustments to things represented by that planet. Venus rules over love, intimate relationships, friendships, values, money, beauty, and overall attractability. It is associated with our passions, creativity, pleasures, and tastes. Venus begins its retrograde in a square with Mars which has also recently been retrograde.
Therefore, much of the Mars related shifts that occurred throughout the summer and up until early October has set the stage for this Venus’ retrograde.
These recent months have been a time of re-orientation of how we assert and apply ourselves. In some cases this previous Mars retrograde could have been connected to shifts around how we apply aggression, sexuality, and desires.
There could have also been surprises, sudden changes, disruptions, or taking action towards some sort of freedom or liberating from a situation. For many couples, though not all, it can be a challenging time. Whether challenging or not, however, Venus retrograde can deepen or shift the way love and/or pleasure are expressed between partners. Any new relationships — those shorter than 18 months — may be tested during this period, as it will be the first one experienced as a couple. Any new developments or perspectives around relationships that have occurred since September 2nd may end up playing out quite differently than expected over the next few months. Consider this an important step in the evolution of your relationship(s). If all is well, it will ultimately be strengthened. Friendships could be affected in this way as well, minus the intimacy. This could also be a time when people reconnect with friends (or lovers) of the past to further evolve the relationship. It could bring some sort of closure and/or new developments. New or reacquainted relationships that form during Venus retrogrades can play an important role in evolving how we apply ourselves in relationships into the future. However, for anyone who does enter a new relationship at this time, it would be good to wait until after the retrograde is over before going ‘all in’. At that point, things will then become more clear on how to proceed with matters of love. In some cases a relationship can get more serious or developed in the post retrograde period while in other cases it could come to an end. Depending on what area of your natal chart it is occurring in, and while considering other factors, Venus retrograde could create a shift in what we value and/or how we are valued and what we are attracted to. For some people, there could also be a shift in financial matters that may have begun developing or played out sometime since early September. If so, be mindful of the fact that things could still change over the next few months. It would also be a good idea to be cautious when doing anything new that involves beauty, decorating, or buying any items related to fashion.
There is a greater possibility that eventually you may not be happy with these kinds of choices that you make. However, Venus retrograde can be good for renovations in many cases, especially after October 31st when it returns to Libra. Venus begins its retrograde in Scorpio, and it has been in that sign since September 9th. Developments around financial matters, shared resources, or credit may have come up since then and can continue to play out. This retrograde could also have to do with a re-orientation of how we spend finances towards fun and pleasurable pursuits. Scorpio is a passionate, intense, transformative, and primal energy. It can be very calculated and cautious, but once it wants something, it is ‘all in’. As a result, it can also be possessive, jealous, fearful, controlling, manipulative, and obsessive.
Therefore matters of love and romance could be flavoured with those themes. Venus re-enters its own sign of Libra on October 31st and will end its retrograde there. Because it rules this sign, it amplifies some of the Venus themes already mentioned. In this sign, it could facilitate a re-orientation of how we seek harmony and balance in our love lives, socially, or even financially. Adjustments connected to beauty, style, or anything aesthetic could occur. A shift in our creativity could also occur during this period. Venus ends its retrograde close to the star Spica, which is traditionally the most fortunate and lucky star. In the week before and after the retrograde, we may notice its energy the most. Depending on how it is interacting with your natal astrology chart, this period can be highly beneficial socially, romantically, financially, creatively, or aesthetically. *Below, are some of the dates and information about Venus’ aspects othe major astrological configurations during this retrograde. However, I also usually post about other astro energies happening on my social media via Instagram and Facebook, you can follow those platforms for more forecast content. Earlier dates are for those in Western part of the world and later dates for those in the East. October 5th/6th Venus retrograde begins at 7:05pm Universal Time. The days surrounding this period could be a time in which some of the themes mentioned above could become more apparent. In some cases, their could be some sort of development that will play a significant role in how this retrograde plays out for you. October 10th/11th Venus square Mars. This can be a passionate time in relationships, however, it can also stimulate tension, conflict, and intensity either in our love lives or socially. Perhaps some developments connected to sexuality may come up. This can also be a period of impulsively or aggressively spending money or seeking pleasures. This energy can also be competitive. Taking action towards anything to do with aesthetics or creativity could occur as well. This energy can start to become noticeable when the retrograde begins, however, it peaks at this period. October 15th/16th Venus conjunct Mercury. This can be a good time for anything social. Perhaps connecting with old friends, associates, or lovers could occur. We may put extra mental focus towards Venus ruled areas or perhaps learn something that we were unaware of before. Financial transactions connected to the past may also occur. October 23rd – 25th Full Moon in Taurus aligned with Uranus, aspecting Venus, Saturn, and square the Lunar Nodes. Uranus involved can indicate a period of surprises, changes, new experiences, and even excitement in some cases. Regardless of whatever shift that Uranus could bring, Venus and the Full Moon are also in a harmonious aspect with Saturn, which can still add themes around stability, realism, responsibilities, and commitments around relationships, friendships, values, finances, or anything to do with aesthetics or creativity. This period can be karmic and/or evolutionary, however we can also potentially feel pulled in different directions, and/or between the past and future.
The energies of this Full Moon builds up in the weeks prior and also has a strong influence over the following few weeks, especially when some of this gets triggered again around October 30th-31st. (I will be writing more about this Full Moon in separate article, you can join my mailing list here to be notified when it is published.) October 25th – 27th Venus conjunct the Sun (Inferior Conjunction). This is a seeding period for areas of life ruled by Venus. Whatever is seeded at this time will build up towards a culmination that will occur in the summer of 2019. This exact alignment occurs at this time, however, the seeding energy can actually last from Oct 20th-31st. This can be a period of significant happenings, however, it is possible that whatever occurs may not seem so until later, perhaps even a few months after the retrograde ends. October 30th-31st Venus opposite Uranus in Grand Cross with the Lunar Nodes, Venus semi-sextile Mercury. This triggers some of the same energies of the previous Full Moon mentioned already mentioned. However, this period can be a bit more disruptive or surprising when it comes to Venus matters, and could require adjustments. Like the previous Full Moon, this period can be karmic and/or evolutionary, however, we can also feel pulled in different directions, and/or between the past and future. This can be good for some sort of clarification or communication around Venus matters. October 31st/Nov 1st Venus retrograde enters Libra. Venus returns home to its own sign, which can bring more harmony to Venus matters compared to earlier part of the retrograde. However, it is still retrograde and in close aspect to Uranus and the Lunar Nodes as mentioned, so it can still be a bit shaky for some people. November 2nd – 4th Venus semisextile Jupiter and quincunx Chiron, with Jupiter Trine Chiron. This can be a period of growth around Venus matters, however, it can also be a time where we need to make adjustments due to wounds and blockages around Venus issues. Jupiter is in a trine with Chiron this week which can be great for healing, learning, and having a greater awareness of our blockages and/or gifts. November 6th – 8th Uranus square the Nodes while they all change signs. Jupiter enters Sagittarius. The Lunar Nodes are going into the Cancer/Capricorn axis and will stay there over the following 18 months. This is beginning a process of changes of how we work with energies of these signs, pushing us towards being more caring, nurturing, and connecting emotionally with loved ones. Uranus changing signs could reflect changes, disruptions, surprises, and perhaps revisiting a theme connected to authentic individuality which has been playing out since 2011. Jupiter enters its own sign of Sagittarius where it will be until December of 2019. This is the beginning of a year long process that could be very expansive around our beliefs, perspectives, and could provide a lot of learning through our experiences, education, and travel. You may have already started noticing these energies beginning to play out sometime during the months prior to this date. November 8th/9th Venus trine Mars. This energy can make us more active socially, romantically, and creatively. This can also stimulate sexual attraction. November 10th/11th Venus semi-square Mercury. This can be a more social time. Communication and mental activity around Venus issues could also be theme. However, it is possible that there can be some difficulties or tension in these ways as well. November 16th Venus Retrograde Ends Conjunct Spica, Mercury goes retrograde. Venus comes to a stop and slowly begins to move forward while being blessed by a very fortunate star, Spica. Over the coming weeks and months, the chips will fall into place more clearly as a result of any adjustments or seeds planted during this retrograde period. However, Mercury also begins its retrograde period which is occurring in Sagittarius and Scorpio. This indicates another reorientation in our lives that could be somehow connected to what has occurred during the Venus retrograde..
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