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(VIDEO) Bull Literally Dances For Joy & Shows Gratitude After Being Released From A Tiny Stable

(VIDEO) Bull Literally Dances For Joy & Shows Gratitude After Being Released From A Tiny Stable

Could you imagine spending your entire life forced into a confined, dark space, only to then be brutally murdered, all to feed or entertain another species? Well, this is the sad reality for millions of animals who are locked in factory farming facilities all over the world. Bandit the bull would have had the same fate as these animals had it not been for Austrian animal sanctuary Gut Aiderbichl.

The sanctuary captured Bandit’s journey to freedom, giving viewers a glimpse at what his life looked like prior to his release, and how he reacted when finally set free. If you’ve never seen a cow jump for joy and dance, you’re in for a treat! Bandit had spent his entire life trapped in a tiny stable, locked to a pole with no space to move. This was his reality until the sanctuary rescued him.

These images depict the bulls’ living conditions: You can watch the full video of his rescue and then his reaction to freedom below: Although the video is undeniably heart-warming, it’s interesting to note the juxtaposition between the trapped bulls and the freed bull, Bandit. He is unfortunately the only bull that was set free, or at least that’s what the video suggests. Perhaps the sanctuary didn’t have room for the rest of them, as they already house over 500 bulls, cows, and calves.

The sad reality is that the amount of animals rescued and living in sanctuaries is drastically lower than the number of animals who still suffer on farms. It’s also clear that the bull has full awareness that he is free, and that he can express love and gratitude. Society often depicts animals as lesser beings, putting them below us on the totem poll. We have this false sense of supremacy or superiority over animals, as if their lives matter less than ours. We forget that animals feel emotions just as we do, and are capable of loving one another and grieving and mourning their dead. When people consume meat, there’s often a disassociation between the animal and the consumer. If you knew the animal you were about to take a bite out of, would you still choose to eat it? For any animal living on a factory farm, living conditions are so poor that it can’t really be considered “living.” These animals are tortured, mutilated, beaten, stuffed full of antibiotics and hormones, and treated in ways that even a cannibal would cringe at. Calves that are bred for veal are kept in tiny, extremely dark containers and held down with chains to prevent further growth. Fully grown cows and bulls don’t have it much better, either. Eighty-two percent of cows have their tails cut off and more than 80% of U.S. cattle are fed an alarming amount of antibiotics, which humans then inadvertently consume (read more about this in our CE article here).

The following video illustrates the type of confinement that’s commonplace for cows to experience. In many cases, it’s even worse than this! Of course, other animals aren’t treated any better, either. Chicks have their beaks brutally chopped off while they’re still alive, pigs are so tightly shoved together that it’s not uncommon for their guts to literally squeeze out of their bodies, and chickens’ legs often break because they consume so much growth hormones that their legs cannot support their body weight. Keep in mind that this is the way numerous people treat the animals that they then eat afterwards. What are the energetic effects of consuming an animal that has been tortured and put under high levels of stress for its entire life? Many ancient yogic and religious texts claim that an energy transfer occurs when consuming another being. That’s why cannibalistic rituals exist; by consuming the flesh of another, you consume its energy. If you’re consuming an animal that was tortured all of its life, and thus has an extremely low frequency, what do you think that will do to your own vibration? Even if you love consuming animal products, it’s inevitable that society’s heavy reliance on them must come to an end because it’s not sustainable. Animal farming already accounts for 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. Cows produce 150 billion gallons of methane per day and livestock is responsible for 65% of all human-related nitrous oxide emissions (source). When it all comes down to it, eating animals is simply not an environmentally sustainable option. Farmed animals are pumped with antibiotics, hormones, and other chemicals, and meat and dairy products thus contain these items in addition to puss, blood, mucus, and other substances your body is not meant to consume. Harvard University found that even eating small amounts of red meat, especially processed red meat, on a regular basis has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and dying from cardiovascular disease or any other cause in general. One of the most comprehensive studies ever performed on this subject is “The China Study,” conducted by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Thomas Campbell. It showed that by switching to a plant-based diet, one can successfully reverse diseases already established in the body including cancer and heart disease.

The study also found that meat and casein, the main protein found in cow’s milk, are correlated to different types of cancer and other health issues. You can read more about this in our CE article here. Animal products aren’t good for you or the environment, and it’s inevitable that their manufacture will strip the animals of their well-being or cost them their lives. Your actions and your dollar ultimately decide whether or not you will support this industry — the choice is yours! .

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