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“Waiting On The World to Change” Lyrical Power

I look at the potential a lot of “idolized” artists have in spreading a message that can change the world and wish there wasn’t such a fear stopping them from REALLY going for it.

“Waiting On The World to Change” Lyrical Power

Sure it’s a bit of a shame that the most idolized artists right now are making “pro Illuminati agenda” music but it doesn’t take away from the fact that there are artists out there spreading a positive message.

The other layer to it of course is, do the people idolizing these artists even take a second to realize what they are saying? It almost feels as though sometimes we are singing the words but are completely shut off to what the words exactly are, almost as if we are just repeating the sound the word makes and not actually hearing the meaning. Below are the lyrics to the song “Waiting on The World to Change” by John Mayer. I think if you were to read through the lyrics you would clearly see the message he’s trying to put out there, but how many of us are actually getting that message? I mean, “Now we see everything that’s going wrong, With the world and those who lead it” who’s paying attention to that? And this? “And when you trust your television, What you get is what you got, Cause when they own the information, oh They can bend it all they want.” That’s just a couple of many telling lines from the song that if realized, could help change the world right with action... no waiting, just become aware of it and be the change. I’m hoping this article raises a little attention in terms of looking at what some of our “idols” are saying to us, that we have been missing all this time. Enjoy the lyrics and the video at the bottom. Me and all my friends We’re all misunderstood They say we stand for nothing and There’s no way we ever could Now we see everything that’s going wrong With the world and those who lead it We just feel like we don’t have the means To rise above and beat it So we keep waiting Waiting on the world to change We keep on waiting Waiting on the world to change It’s hard to beat the system When we’re standing at a distance So we keep waiting Waiting on the world to change Now if we had the power To bring our neighbors home from war They would have never missed a Christmas No more ribbons on their door And when you trust your television What you get is what you got Cause when they own the information, oh They can bend it all they want That’s why we’re waiting Waiting on the world to change We keep on waiting Waiting on the world to change It’s not that we don’t care, We just know that the fight ain’t fair So we keep on waiting Waiting on the world to change And we’re still waiting Waiting on the world to change We keep on waiting waiting on the world to change One day our generation Is gonna rule the population So we keep on waiting Waiting on the world to change We keep on waiting Waiting on the world to change .

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