You can quote several words to match them as a full term:
"some text to search"
otherwise, the single words will be understood as distinct search terms.
ANY of the entered words would match

WATCH: How to de-Google

WATCH: How to de-Google

Remember when Google was just a search engine? In the age of Gmail and Google Drive and Google Maps and GooTube and Google phones, it’s truly unsettling to think how much of the average person’s online activity is now directly feeding the Google data behemoth.

Today on #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Rob Braxman (The Internet Privacy Guy) about how to de-Google, and why protecting your privacy online is so important.

In a piece of perfect serendipity this video came out only days before OffG itself was (finally) able to get our proper email functioning again, and bid farewell to our (unfortunate) temporary reliance on gmail.


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