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What Love & Unity Looks Like – How These People Are Helping Change the World

What Love & Unity Looks Like – How These People Are Helping Change the World

Between August 21st and 24th, thousands of Canadians gathered in Ottawa to take part in the countries first Peoples’ Social Forum – an event of workshops, education, networks, and conscious evolution. As part of the event, a unified march was organized towards parliament hill to bring together people from multiple perspectives who are passionate about choosing to be the change they wish to see. As the saying goes “don’t complain about how things run unless you vote.” Why this isn’t an inaccurate statement is because voting typically does nothing to change anything for the people. It’s like someone telling you a microwave can fix your car for you. Obviously it’s not going to work because it isn’t designed to do that.

The only difference between this example and voting is we’ve been convinced voting will actually make a big difference. Instead people might want to do things like what happened in Ottawa.

They took their voices to the streets. You can also vote with your dollar. Start a campaign online. Opt out of things you don’t want to support. How do you think GMOs were banned in so many countries? It wasn’t the people voting, it was them completely and utterly opting out of buying them and then making a huge scene about it peacefully in the streets. Now is the time for change and action. I believe in balance, change yourself and change the world by taking action. You can’t have one without the other. In my view, internal changes within yourself create the foundation to begin acting from the heart in creating change in the external world. ParadigmShiftCentral creator and film maker Brendon Culliton (aka Skull Babylon Neo-Gonzo Journalist of the Future) is being change by bringing awareness to various issues in the world and inspiring people to act from their hearts and make change. Below is a video he made of the events that took place in Ottawa between the 21st and 24th of August. You can connect with Skull directly through this page. .

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