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What Sleep Deprivation Actually Does To Your Brain (Infographic)

What Sleep Deprivation Actually Does To Your Brain (Infographic)

Have you been feeling extra drowsy lately? Or just having a difficult time sleeping in general? You may want to consider doing something about it, as a lack of sleep is actually extremely detrimental to your health and mental well-being. It is recommended that we get around 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but an alarming estimated 70 million Americans are falling well short of that number and are having a hard time sleeping.

There are many factors that could be affecting your sleep in a negative way; you can read more about those here. Some people over at Science.Mic put together the infographic below using information from the Center For Disease Control, International Journal of Occupational Health, and the UC Berkeley Sleep Lab to showcase the detrimental effects that not getting enough sleep can have on your brain.

These include: memory loss, anger, slurred speech, cerebral shrinkage, hallucinations, risky decisions, and many others. It is important to note that the damage caused from a lack of sleep may be irreparable. So do your best to get to sleep at a reasonable hour. If necessary, wear an eye mask and/or earplugs, or keep the pets out of the room. Whatever it takes to ensure you are getting adequate, quality sleep. It’s more important than you might think! Sleep Tight, Much Love! Fore more CE articles relating to sleep, click HERE. .

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