What We Can Learn From Advanced ET Civilizations (Part 3: The Education Of Children)

Highly evolved beings do not put children into 'school'; they go through a natural process of education by which they are reminded in all different contexts of "what's so," and "what works." HEBs also ensure that they are modeling desired behavior. What would our world and society be like if the education of our children was founded on simple truthful observation rather than a rigid system designed to fit us into the hierarchical work system? (note: Because there was some confusion for some readers in Part 1 of this series as to the source of information about advanced ET civilizations, I will state here that the information comes from the internationally bestselling ‘Conversations With God’ trilogy, with the quotes here and in the previous articles coming from Book 3. I personally feel that this trilogy contains some of the clearest and most profound elaborations of spiritual truth I have ever read over the past 35 years.
The books are written by Neale Donald Walsch, but the ‘authority’ known in the books as ‘God’ represents a ‘voiceless voice’ that comes into Walsch’s mind in answer to questions he writes down on a pad of paper. Regardless of where one believes this voice comes from, the material can and should be judged on its own merits.) The way children are educated by ‘Highly Evolved Beings’ (HEBs) is very different from the way we do it: we confine them to a firmly set time and place, with a rigid curriculum and authoritarian classroom structure designed to train people from infancy to learn how to enter into a hierarchical workforce that mainly benefits those at the top of the economic pyramid of power. With HEBs there is not necessarily a set ‘building’ in which ‘schooling’ takes place: the garden, kitchen, tool shed or any other area of human activity can equally serve as the designated place of learning based on what the learners show a particular interest in: There is no “school system” in a HEB society, merely a process of education by which offspring are reminded of “what’s so,” and “what works.” Offspring are raised by elders, not by those who conceive them, though they are not necessarily separated from their “parents” during the process, who may be with them whenever they wish, and spend as much time with them as they choose. In what you would call “school” (actually, best translated as “learning time”), offspring set their own “curriculum,” choosing which skills they would like to acquire, rather than being told what they are going to have to learn. Motivation is thus at its highest level, and life skills are acquired quickly, easily, and joyfully. Naturally, especially early on, children are exposed to the vast range of activities, where they are given every opportunity to go deeper into the types of activities they are attracted to. As it turns out, what they like is often what they pick up on very quickly and show some proficiency at, and eventually, this activity can foreshadow the way in which the child will eventually contribute to the society when they get older. ‘Education’ and ‘Life’ are thus fully integrated, and though there may be designations of ‘learning time,’ learning is fostered by the elders (who, as we mentioned previously, are the ones taking care of the children) any time the opportunity presents itself. Much of the learning is founded on being aware of what one does (“what’s so”) and its impact on others (“what works”). This is examined through what is called the ‘Triangular code’: Awareness, Honesty, Responsibility. Of course, at different levels of age and maturity, there are different levels of awareness, honesty, and responsibility reached as a child continues to learn. But since these self-evident truths are the foundation of the entire educational process, it usually does not take very long for a child to learn from their ‘mistakes’ — meaning something that is harmful or damaging to others or the collective. Whenever this happens the action is not judged or condemned, but rather simply brought into the person’s awareness, whether a child or adult: God: It is carefully explained that “what’s so”— what the being has done—is now at variance with “what works,” and that when something does not work for the group, it ultimately will not work for the individual, because the individual is the group, and the group is the individual. All HEBs “get” this very quickly, usually early in what you would call youth, and so it is extremely rare that a mature HEB is found to act in a way which produces a “what’s so” that is not “what works.” Neale: But when one does? God: He is simply allowed to correct his mistake. Using the Triangular Code, he is first made aware of all the outcomes related to something he has thought or said or done.
Then he is allowed to assess and declare his role in producing those outcomes. Finally, he is given an opportunity to take responsibility for those outcomes by putting corrective or remedial or healing measures into place. As mentioned previously, the fundamental thing that distinguishes us as human beings at our current evolutionary stage from most of the more advanced ET civilizations is that they know that they are all one, whereas our population has a very disparate range of levels of awareness on this. Naturally, it is obvious for elders in highly advanced civilizations that in order to foster beneficial education to their young they must ‘practice what they preach’: The Triangular Code (these are not really codified “rules,” but this is the best term one can find in your languages) is not something which is “pounded into” the young HEB, but something which is acquired—almost by osmosis—through the behaviors modeled for the “child” by “adults.” Unlike your society, in which adults model behaviors opposite to those which they want their children to learn, in highly evolved cultures adults understand that children do what they see others doing. It would never occur to HEBs to place their offspring for many hours in front of a device that shows pictures of behaviors they’d like their offspring to avoid. Such a decision would be, to a HEB, incomprehensible. It would be equally incomprehensible, if a HEB did do this, to then deny that the pictures had anything to do with their offsprings’ suddenly aberrant behaviors. I will say again that the difference between HEB society and human society breaks down to one really very simple element, which we shall call truthful observation. In HEB societies, beings acknowledge everything they see. In human societies, many deny what they see. One thing that is striking in our current way of educating our young is how little emphasis we put on our own personal behavior and actions, in terms of its impact on the things that our children learn most deeply. Yes, we are making some progress in some new experimental educational systems that are not as rigid and authoritarian as those of the past. However, it is really our own evolution, our reaching for the integrity and self-honesty that highly evolved beings live by, that may be the first and most important step in creating a better learning environment for our young.
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