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What You Can Eat For Breakfast To Have Long Lasting Energy

Most of us wake up still a little sleepy and tired, but we want our bodies to jump right into a hectic day and give us endless energy and top mental and physical performance.

What You Can Eat For Breakfast To Have Long Lasting Energy

Caffeine and sugar offer a quick fix – a burst of energy and alertness, but that soon fades away... I suggest something different – try a healthy, nutrient-dense breakfast that will satisfy your cravings and provide actual sustained energy and fullness. But what kind of breakfast would give you that? There are two reasons why a breakfast rich in fiber is the best thing you can get in the morning. Firstly, fiber increases food volume while having zero effect on calories! When you eat more fiber (such as contained in whole grains, fruits and vegetables), the fiber then further expands in your stomach, giving you feeling of being full and satiated, reducing your hunger and helping you keep away from unhealthy snacks1. Secondly, fiber is especially beneficial to consume in the morning because it cleanses the digestive system, stimulates the bowels and helps us start the day with a clean slate. Anything else you eat later on will be better processed, helping you actually extract and assimilate the nutrients in your food1. Harvard Health Blog suggests that you should aim for about 6 grams of fiber with your breakfast2. Two easy ways to get it are cereal and fruit (or veggies). Good old oats will provide about 4 grams of fiber3 – add some nuts and fruit to it and you can easily get to the 6 grams. Or you can go for 2 slices of wholegrain bread with avocado (total of 6-7 grams of fiber)3. Fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries and raspberries are always a good fiber-rich addition to your breakfast. Or just sprinkle some chia seeds on anything – that will skyrocket your fiber intake by 5 grams with just one tablespoon3! Breakfast is a great opportunity to load up on vitamins and minerals, proteins and some healthy fats4. All this nutrition will keep your energy levels up and contribute to a productive day. Especially the balance between protein and carbs has been shown to stimulate cognitive function5. A truly healthy breakfast provides a variety of nutrients. It is impossible to create the all-you-will-ever-need breakfast because what you need changes! That means that the best breakfast is different every few days and changes with the seasons. I recommend trying out a variety of recipes and selecting 4-5 favorites that you can rotate.

Then keep experimenting and trying out new options for most fun and a balanced diet. Now that you know what makes a healthy breakfast, don’t start thinking of excuses to skip it! Research suggests that breakfast skippers have a higher chance of being overweight than breakfast eaters2. You can create your own wholesome breakfast or check out these suggested recipes of healthy breakfasts which will only take 5 minutes to prepare and can be easily adjusted to the seasons and your own preferences. Finally, if you have a quick-tasty-healthy breakfast recipe – please share it in the comments! 🙂 References: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – .

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